1. Vacillate; Indecisive; hesitate to act; not able to make up one's mind
2. To make up one's mind. We'll get through this, whatever happens, we decided.
3. To make up one's mind.
4. It's hard to make up one's mind to quit smoking.
5. Look upon this story as a means of limbering up one's senses, one's attitude and one's mind to make them pliable and receptive. You need that to understand this article, otherwis
e you might as well forget reading any further.
6. Means to make up one's mind, do the thing regardlessness.
7. Be determined aim to do sth; make up one's mind
8. Make up one's mind the minister of foreign affairs miss an opportunity make a mistake by mistake in modern times small money have no money with sb. make sb. monitor on the early morning at the top of the mountain join the navy if necessary in need of help take on a new look hit sb. on the nose make/take notes have nothing to do with put up a notice pay no notice to sb. be in operation place an order for sth.
下决心 外交部长错过机会犯错误由疏忽所致现代零钱某人身上没钱选某人为班长某一天清早在山顶上参加海军如果有必要的话需要帮助呈现一片新面貌打某人的鼻子做笔记与…无关张贴通知对某人毫不在意运转着,实施中订购某物失业了一副眼镜颐和园
9. Make the best of make a decision make a difference between make a difference to make an exception of make no exception make one's farewell make fashion make a fortune make friends make inquiries of sb. about sth. make preparations against make preparations for make mention of make up one's mind make a point make a promise make a reduction make references to make a response to make satisfaction for make /offer resistance to make sense make talk make way make trouble makewhether是什么意思 use of obstacle to pay regard to pay attention to place an order for sth. with present a striking contrast between put/bring/carry into effect play a joke on sb. play a role in play a trick on sb.
to shame put/place/lay stress on/upon put to use reaction to recovery from resist temptation run/take a risk 向某人道歉充分利用决定区别对待使-----产生变化把-----作为例外不容许有例外告别,道别做做样子发财交朋友向----某人询问某事为防止-----做准备为-----
10. Reluctance or an inability to make up one's mind; irresolution. " I really can't decide what to do. "" No more can I. "
11. Its core was carried on around theme merger and innovation, the theme and resource, market, products have close relations: Resource whether theme develop foundation that make up one's mind, but market survey direction that theme choose.
12. It is early days yet to make up one's mind.
13. I have grown up, make up one's mind of their own.
14. Make up one's mind to do sth Have you made up your mind about it?
15. Make up one's mind to do sth make up one's mind in doing sth.
16. Make up one's mind 79 Parents should praise the children for good work.
17. Though i tried my best to persuade him not to smoke, he did'n't make up one's mind
18. Make up one's mind to do
下定决心去做 14。
19. Although do not have, earn what money at present, still having a deficit even, but by Liu Ni at the outset experience thinks, the businessman that wants to be able to be Yue Yang only and citizen provide a convenient service platform, making money is sooner or later thing, liu Ni holds to this operation principle, want to make money to let businessman and citizen be benefited first, liu Ni is doing this all the time, 2009, liu Ni planned website interface, do one's best with simplification, human nature is changed, specialization the life that means provides a network to go up for broad Yue Yang's person serves, more gratified is now everyday call the quantity that buy check is increasing, although Liu Ni does not know the road tomorrow is how, dan Liuni believes the road is below the foot, him need is planted like the Zhukaishanna in brave the journey to the Northeast entered mind.