【 导语】清明节,又叫踏青节,因为春天是万物复苏的季节,是一个万紫千红的时节。我们在扫墓祭祖之余,也可以趁着这美好时光,去山上、田野踏青,寻春天的足迹。以下是为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。
"During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." This eternal song reminds people of their long dead relatives, and their heads are filled with tears. In this sad day, there is a sad thing. Let's cherish it and take good care of the old people around us. After all, they will be far away from us!
Back to my hometown, I will be like a black hair on my shoulders, I will remember my grandmother's loving smile, and I can't help crying. She was in a flutter of tears, with a runny nose and tears. I smiled again. It was an open smile. I was glad to be relieved of my grandmother. All her life was dedicated to my grandfather, children and family. I never thought about it for myself. The delicious food is given to the family first, and the fun is distributed to the children first. Grandma also did all the farm work, rough work and heavy w
ork at home by herself. She never let her mother and family suffer a little. Even when grandma was seriously ill, she was still concerned about the work of the farmland. I remember the last smile before my grandmother died. The smile was reluctant, relieved and comforted. Grandma gently closed her eyes, like a butterfly falling into a deep valley, and left forever. The sad scene was always fixed in my mind.
Grandma, please rest in peace under the nine springs! Don't worry about us alive. Mom and dad and other relatives are very good; Of course, I am also very good. I believe you have seen it in the sky; I was reading in the bright classroom in the morning. The teacher took care of me like a loving father and mother. I was very happy.
Every Chinese new year, we always go back to our hometown to see grandma. On the 30th day, our family gathered at Grandma's house to have new year's Eve dinner together. Grandma sat there and didn't eat. She looked at her children and asked them to eat this and that, as if others had eaten, she was full. At the dinner table, she asked to se
e how her children's lives were.
Every time I came to her house, she always took out the snacks she had collected for a long time for us to eat. I always tried to refuse to eat, but looking at her expectant eyes, I had to start eating.
Before he left, he took out the big fish and meat in his home and said: there are too many meat in our family. Let's leave these to you! We shook our heads, but after her repeated persuasion, we had to accept it. At this time, she took out our unfinished snacks and said: take them back. I can't eat them. Leave them for you! So we took it again.
清明节 英语Until that day came, all the laughter disappeared without a trace. Grandma was lying in bed, grinning but unable to speak. She squeezed my hand with all her strength, as if to say: don't cry. I lay down at the head of the bed and cried, hoping to keep grandma, but it was useless. Grandma closed her eyes forever.
This Qingming Festival, I came to visit grandma. I stood in front of her grave and silently s
aid: grandma, I came to see you. I wish you good health and happiness in heaven forever!
During the Qingming Festival, there was a lot of rain. Pedestrians on the road wanted to break their souls. They asked where the restaurant was. The shepherd boy pointed to "Xinghua village" and talked. The Qingming Festival quietly came to me, so that our family could have an annual spring outing.
The breeze is blowing, and the warm sunshine is particularly bright. Look, the peach blossoms nearby are open, and the petals are flying all over the sky, high and low. Their bodies are so light that I can turn over more than 20 somersaults with a gentle blow. No matter where the peach blossoms fly, it must be a beautiful place. Look, the grass is scrambling to get out of the ground, Small flowers vie for beauty, small trees pull out young leaves, white clouds leisurely walk, clusters of rape flowers are beautiful and golden, and pieces of wheat fields can't see the edge. Ha, swallows who travel only to the
South fly back in groups, and birds fly freely in the sky and sing heartily. " That looks like a horse and this one looks like a man. "I looked at the direction of my brother's finger. Oh, it was a white cloud. Let alone that white cloud, it was like a horse galloping in the vast sky. Everything was beautiful in spring. How magical nature is. It put a spring carpet on the earth and let us play carefree games. Spring is beautiful. Spring is happy, spring is magical, and unknowingly it arrived in the afternoon, The white clouds are bigger, just like pressing on my head. The sun is redder and dyed half the sky red. After a while, my mother calls us home. A red sun hangs in the sky and slowly falls to the West. The white clouds are no longer white. They become red clouds and surround Taiyang like a vortex.
The plan of a year lies in spring. In this season of birds crowing and flowers blooming, we should study hard and make progress every day.
"During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls". Today is the annual Qingming Festival. Ancestor worship has a
lways been a fine tradition of our Chinese nation.
In the morning, my parents and I went to Zhuhao mountain to worship our ancestors. We bought two bouquets of flowers, which were packaged into a bouquet of white chrysanthemums, yellow chrysanthemums, forget me not, lilies, carnations, gladiolus, sunflowers and daisies. After a long time, I finally came to the mountain. We planted flowers for our ancestors, lit candles and began to burn incense.
I suddenly found that on an ancient tomb next to us, no one came to plant flowers for him, and there was no sign of burning paper money. I went to the grave and looked at the words on the grave very carefully. It said "once participated in the guerrilla war in Chaoshan Plain". Who is this? Why is it not engraved with his relatives and his name? For a moment, a series of question marks floated in my heart, "Dad, whose grave is this?" I asked curiously. "This is a martyr who once participated in the guerrilla war on the Chaoshan Plain and made a glorious sacrifice." Dad said to me in a serious tone, "let's burn some paper money for the martyr." With a very pious mood, I burned paper money a
nd said silently in my heart: "martyr, you sacrificed your precious life for the stubbornness of China and dyed our five-star red flag with bright red blood. I must study hard and make progress every day to repay the martyrs."