1. 表示时间  When taken away from the mother,the baby began to cry.
2. 表示原因 Trapped in the heavy rain,many students were late for school.
3. 表示条件 Given more time, We will do it better.
4. 表示方式The old man went upstairs,supported by his son.
5. 表示伴随 Followed by his students,the teacher left the classroom.
6. 表示结果 The girl fell off her bike when crossing the road, wounded 
in the head.
7. 表示让步 Though taught (=having been taught)many times by the   
teacher, some students still dont know how to do it.
1.When taken away from the mother,the baby began to cry.
=When the baby was taken away from his mother,he/she began to cry.
2. Trapped in the heavy rain,many students were late for school.
=Because/As many students were trapped in the rain, they were late for school.
3. Given more time, We will do it better.
=If we are given more time,We will do it better.
4.Though  taught several times by the teacher,some students still dont know how to do it.
=Though some students have been taught many times,they still dont know how to do it.
5.Supported by his son,the old man went upstairs..
=The old man  was supported by his son and  he went upstairs
6. The girl fell off her bike when crossing the road, wounded in the head.
=The girl fell off her bike when crossing the road and she was wounded in the head.
7.Followed by his students,the teacher left the classroom.
  =The teacher left the classroom and he was followed by his students.
Hearing the good news,the woman was too excited to speak.  (hear)
Seen from the back, the girl looks nice.(see)
一般来说,过去分词的逻辑主语与主句主语要一致,如句1中,主句主语是the baby,过去分词taken 的逻辑主语也是the baby.特别注意:当分词的逻辑主语主句主语不一致时,分词有自己独立的逻辑主语,这种结构称为独立主格结构常用来表示伴随情况。如:
(1)The boy rushed into the classroom , his face covered with sweat .
(主句主语是the boy,过去分词的逻辑主语是 his face)
(2)All things considered ,your suggestion is better than his.
(主句主语是your suggestion,过去分词的逻辑主语是all things)
Generally speaking 一般说来
strictly/ frankly speaking 严格地说/坦白地说
Judging from 从…判断
All things considered 从整体来看
Taken all things into consideration 全面看来study的过去分词
例如:Judging from his face, something bad must have happened to him.
1. _________(worry) about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.
2. _________(confuse) by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of fresh air.
3. _________(exhaust), I slid into the bed and fell fast asleep.
4. _________(heat), water changes into steam .
5. The boss came in, ________(follow)by a group of young people .
6. _______(see) from the top of the hill ,the city looks very beautiful .
7. Much _________(tire) ,all of them still kept on working .
8. __________(use)for a long time,the computer doesn’t works well.
9. When _________(ask) what had happened,he said he knew nothing.
10. ________(unite)we stand;divided,we fall.
1. Writing in a hurry,this article was not so good!
2. Losing in deep thought,he didn’t hear what you said.
3.Bear in this beautiful town,she feels very proud.
4.Give me another hour,I will finish the task well.
5.As a well-knowing actor,he is welcome by many young people.
6.His head holds high,the man went by without greeting to me.
7.Grow in rich soil,the vegetables taste good.
8.When asking who you are,you must keep calm.
9. Attracting by the beauty of nature,they were unwilling to leave.
10.Facing with so much trouble,we cant complete the task on time. 
1._____________________(如果加热),ice turns into water.
2._____________________(你的作业完成后),you may go out to play.
3.______________________(一旦制定), the plan cant be changed.
4.___________________________(虽然被其他人嘲笑),but he got my sympathy.
5._________________________(坦白地说),I dont agree to your plan.
1. With the homework _____________(finish),they went out to play.
2. When I got home,I found all the windows________(break).
3. When I was walking along the river,I saw a horse ___________(tie)to a big tree.
4. He spoke loudly to have himself__________(hear).
5. Seeing all the guests __________(seat),the host started the party.