1.Who is taller ? ______________________________ .  (Mike)(John)
2.How do you feel, peter  ?_______________________ .
3.What’s the matter with him ?_________________________ .
4.Does John have an earache?___________________________ .
5.What’s the weather like today ? _________________________ .
一. 根据图片回答问题。
1. )What did they do on the mountain ?                                                   
2. )Did he go swimming yesderday ?                                                           
3. )What is the young girl doing ?                                                       
4. )How did the man go to Wuhan on his holiday ?                                           
5. )What did the children do ?                                                                   
      (1)      (2)      (3)          (4)          (5)
        (6)          (7)          (8)      (9) 185cm      (10)180kg
6. )How does Tom feel ?                                                               
7. )What does Wu Yifan usually do on Sunday ?                                                   
8. )Does the man go to work by bus ?                                                         
9. )How tall is your uncle ?                                                                       
)How heavy is the pig ?                                                     
1.It’s ________________in _______________in Jiangsu .
2.I’ve got a new _______________as a present . It made of _______________. 
3.My brother is __________  ___________  __________in the study .
4.I’d like __________  ___________  _________with my parents this afternoon .
5.Look! The lions ________________  __________________now .
1. 2. 3.. 4.   5.
1.Did you                     last holiday?
2. I  can                      in spring.
3.Tom feels           today .
4. My finger         . I can't write .
5.Wu Yifan  often                                on Sunday .
1.2.  3. 4.  5.
1.   2.    3. 4. 5.
1. We’ll _____________  _______________this summer holiday .
2.Sarah always ___________  ____________in winter .
3. I like _____________ best . I can plant trees .
4. It’s 4:30 . Mike is _______________  _______________ in the football field .
5. Amy didn’t _____________  ______________the day before yesterday .
1Amy feels sick . She         a         .
2. My uncle is a TV          . He         in a TV company .
3.                        is my hobby .
4.The sign means “                          ” here .
5. Look ! My plant             a         . It’s  so lovely .
1.  2.   3.4.   5.
1.Whose dog is stronger , Amy’s or Mike’s ?  _____________________
2.What was the matter with him last week ? _____________________
3.What is she going to do next month ?_______________________
4.Where were you last month ?________________________
5.When does John usually plant trees ? _______________________
1.  2.    3.  4.  5.
(Amy’s )    (Mike’s)
1.How much are the sports shoes?_______________________________
2.What's your hobby?____________________________________
3.What does your mom do after dinner?_____________________________
4.Which bus can you take to the library?________________________________
5.Where did you go on your holiday?___________________________
6.Did you went swimming yesterday?_______________________________
7.What is Chenjie doing?__________________________________
1.        2.       3.4.
    78yuan                                                                No.34
      6.    7.
三. 根据图片回答问题。
  1            2              3          4          5
1.What did you feel the day before yesterday ?                                         
2.How many cucumbers are there ?                                                    
3.What does the sign mean ?                                                              
4.Are these sandals yours ? 元宵节的图片                                                                   
5.Did he do homework at home yesterday ?                                    
1. How large is your bedroom?________________________________________