1. United we stand, divided we fall. - 齐心协力,团结一致。
2. Many hands make light work. - 众人拾柴火焰高。
3. A house divided against itself cannot stand. - 分裂自身的家不能长久。
4. In unity there is strength. - 团结就是力量。
5. Together we can achieve more. - 同心协力,成就更大。
6. United we conquer. - 团结就能征服。
7. There is strength in numbers. - 数量就是力量。
8. Together we can move mountains. - 齐心协力,我们能够移山。
9. United we progress. - 团结就等于进步。
10. United we win, divided we lose. - 齐心协力,团结战胜,分裂失败。
11. United we can overcome any challenge. - 团结就能克服任何挑战。
12. Teamwork makes the dream work. - 团队合作,梦想成真。
13. Union is strength. - 团结就是力量。
有关团结合作的谚语14. One for all, all for one. - 人人为我,我为人人。
15. E pluribus unum (Out of many, one). - 合则一,分则多。