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In addition, this shop provides you with various types of classic sample essays, such as speech drafts, summary reports, contract agreements, project plans, work plans, study plans, letter letters, speeches, teaching materials, essays, other sample essays, etc. Want to know the format and writing of different sample essays, so stay tuned!
  ( ) 1. A book B ruler C nose
  ( ) 2. A purple B finger C foot
  ( ) 3. A orange B monkey C yellow
  ( ) 4. A panda B bird C hot day
  ( ) 5. A milk B French fries C water
  ( ) 6. A balloon B eight C two
  brightest, hungry, peach, socks, supper, clean, photos
  1. a _____ dog __________________________
  2. three ______ trees ___________________
  3. take off your ______ _________________
  4. the ______ light _____________________
  5. have ______ __________________________
  ( ) 1. Mrs Green is ______ mother. They are ______.
  A Lucy and Lily’s; twins B Lucy’s and Lily’s; twins’
  C Lucy and Lily’s; twin D Lucy’s and Lily’s; twins
  ( ) 2.What about something ____ ?
  A eat B drink C to eat D get
  ( ) 3.—is your new English teacher?
  -- The man under the tree, he is with Miss Gao.
  A Where B Which C Whose D What
  ( ) 4. Turn ____ the TV. I want to see the old film.
  A on B off C to D in
  ( ) 5. It’s good to be in ____ in summer(夏天).
  A black B white C orange D dark blue
  ( ) 6. Americans speak _____, you know.
  A Chinese B Japanese C English D American
  ( ) 7. -- _____ is the weather like today?
  -- It’s rainy.
  A What B How C When D Why
  ( ) 8. ____ can I go to the police station(警察局)? And ____ way shall I go?
  A What; which B How; what C How; which D how; what
  ( ) 9. The two girls are twins. _____ names are Lucy and Lily.
  A their B They’re C Their D Theirs
  ( ) 10.My father ____ English now.
  A reads B reading C is reading D read
  1. You can see that is a pear.(改为否定疑问句)
  _______ _________ see that is a pear?
  2. I can give her my pencil.(改为同义句)
  I can give my pencil ______ _______.
  3. The boy behind the door is Tom.(对画线部分提问)
  _______ _________ is Tom?
  4. Li Lei is in Team Four. Lin Tao is in Team Four, too.(合为一句)
  Li Lei and Lin Tao ______ in ______ same team.
  5. Jack and Mick are American.(改为一般疑问句)
  ______ Jack and Mike ______?
  A: Hello, may I speak ______ Lili?
  B: Sorry, Lili isn’t ______. Is that you, Beibei?
  A: Yes, Beibei is speaking. Who’s _____, please?
  B:_____ is Lili’s mother. Lili told me you would come to help her _____ her English.
  A: Yes, but I can’t do that this evening.
  B: _____ not?
  A: My aunt will arrive this evening. I’ll have to _____ her at the airport.
  B: I’m ____ to hear that.
  A: Can you pass _____ a message to Lili?
  B: Yes, of _____.
  A: Thank you. Goodbye!
小升初试卷  B: Bye-bye!
  Two weeks before Christmas one year, I want to London with my mother. I __1__ forget the day. The streets were __2__ people. The shop windows were very bright. ,My mother held my hand and we both went into a toy(玩具)shop. The shop was full of __3__. There were nice toys __4__. Then I saw Father Christmas. I __5__ my mother by the hand. “Please __6__ me to Father Christmas,” I said. There were __7__ children near Father Christmas. They were standing __8__ line. Father Christmas spoken to every one of them. At last it was my __9__. “Hello, little Tom,” he said to me. As soon as I heard his __10__ I found out that he was my uncle, John Smith.
  1. A shall never B don’t C always D will