Knowledge goals 1. Keep the new words, such as celebration, balloon, paper cutting, scissors, lively, historical, heat, polish and complete
2. Know about the materials, the procedures and the symbols of the three kinds of art forms.
Ability goals 1. Get to know the organization of this passage
2. Improve the reading skills
3. Draw mind maps and retell the passage according mind maps.
Affection goals
1. Arouse students’ interest in English learning.
2. Learn how to find beauty in these traditional Chinese art forms.
3. Develop the pride of our own traditional culture and country TEACHING  DESIGN
Topic Beauty in Common Things Grade  Junior Three
Reading in Section B 2b
(Experience beauty in Chinese traditional art & greatness of
Chinese people and spread Chinese cultures)
About the lesson
This unit is talking about what products are made of and
where they were made. This lesson focuses on reading and
writing. In this lesson, students will learn about three kinds
of traditional Chinese art forms: sky lanterns, paper cutting
and Chinese clay art.
The passive voice is to be taken up and the reading skills are
to be developed including the love of Chinese culture and
our country.
About Students
Junior Three Ss have a good command of some reading strategies such as skimming for gist, scanning specific details, understanding the cohesion.  Besides, most learners are very familiar with traditional Chinese art and culture, so this passage is comparatively easy to understand.
Important & difficult points 1. Make the learners be able to learn the following useful words and expressions such as: celebration, paper cutting, scissors, historical, polish and complete. They are made of bamboo and covered with paper.
2. Continue to learn Passive voice and understand the structure of this passage.
3. Draw mind maps and retell the passage according mind maps.
Learning strategies ● Cooperative learning      ● Communicative learning ● Task-based learning      ● Comprehension learning ● Situational learning      ● Learning by doing
Teaching aids    A multi- media computer system
Pre-class warmer Enjoy several pictures and see how
they change.
Greet Ss and elicit the material
to be learned by showing the
changes of pictures.
A warmer to get Ss
involved in the topic. Task 1 Skimming
Read the whole passage quickly and
find the main idea of the passage.
Task 2 Scanning
Read the first paragraph and find out
three common things.
Pre-reading Activities
Task 3 Skimming
Read the rest three paragraphs and find
out three objects of beauty.Help students get the main
idea of the passage by asking
and answering questions.
Understand the
passage as a whole.
Task 4 Scanning
Find answers to the questions related to Sky lanterns Ask Ss find out answers from the reading material.
Task 5 Making mind maps
Ss work in a group of four, read the third paragraph about paper cutting and draw their own mind maps.Help Ss use the contents to create mind maps.
While-reading Activities (Beauty Exploration)
Task 6 Mind map
Read the fourth paragraph and complete an unfinished mind map. Then retell according to the mind map.Help Ss dealing with
information through scanning.
Get detailed
information and build
up the formal schema.
Besides, give students
more chances to work
together and develop
team work spirits.