Many people think that grade 7 English should be very simple, the course is simple, and the students are easy to manage, so of course the teacher should be relaxed. In fact, it is not. The seventh grade is the stage of laying the foundation. It is very important to cultivate students' good listening, speaking, reading and writing skills for junior high school English learning in the future. Therefore, the task on the teachers' shoulders is heavy, and there can be no slack in teaching. Now I would like to summarize my understanding of English Teaching in Grade 7 as follows:
1、 About phonetic symbols
Different English teachers have different views on the timing of phonetic symbols. I think it is feasible as long as it is suitable for the characteristics of class students and their own teaching style. Nevertheless, I personally think it may be more reasonable to gradually infiltrate phonetic alphabet teaching in the second semester of Grade 7. Because after the English learning in the first semester of Grade 7, each student will consciously or unconscio
usly form a set of English learning methods and methods suitable for himself. Then, we will increase the teaching of phonetic symbols to promote the effect of further self-learning English. It can be said that the water reaches the canal, and it is completed in one go.
2、 On word teaching
Many times we have to admit that students' English test scores are directly proportional to their vocabulary. It is well known that the new target English textbook has a large number of words. In order to relieve students from the heavy burden of memorizing and spelling words, I think we should tell the whole class the correct method of memorizing and spelling words at the first time, and help them to abandon the rote method they may have formed in primary school. In the teaching process, I insist that students learn the spelling of words according to their pronunciation. Therefore, in terms of word teaching, I generally follow the order of three steps.
1. Read after me. Let the students learn to read the words first, so that they can blurt out t
he pronunciation when they see the words.
2. Remember the Chinese meaning. Teachers can explain in Chinese and students can read English words; In the classroom sentence pattern practice, further consolidate the joint mastery and application of the pronunciation and Chinese meaning of the words.
3. Finally, students are required to learn the spelling of the words. In fact, at this time, because the students' reading rate of many words is very high, they may have unconsciously mastered the spelling of many new words in this unit.
3、 About reading aloud
As a language, it is very necessary for students to develop the ability to read aloud and dare to speak. In daily teaching, I am most afraid of students who do not speak. I think as long as he (she) opens his mouth to read and speak English, there will be no obstacles in his (her) life to learn English. So in the first few weeks of school, I especially remind my students to speak out and read English aloud. For individual introverted students who are
shy of speaking, they should be listed as the focus of attention. They should be committed to opening their mouths first, then speaking out, and finally reading aloud. The plan of the day is in the morning. This famous saying is especially true for English learning. In the morning self-study, I tried my best to let the students read, read different contents in different forms, fully tap the students' reading potential, and let the students speak English.