This year。I was XXX English to Class 2 (8)。After more than two months of school。we have completed six units of English learning。In late April。XXX。the results were not satisfactory。and there was still a n phenomenon in student grades。XXX speaking。XXX of the first-year students towards English learning are high。and their grades are good。But with the passage of time。the deepening of difficulty。and the weakening of interest。the grades of some students gradually fall behind and drop out。and the number of dropouts also increases。In the second year of r high school。the n XXX particularly prominent。directly affecting students' English grades throughout the entire middle school stage。and also hindering the improvement of the quality of English teaching in r high school。Therefore。how to prevent n。improve the quality of teaching on a large scale。and enable students to obtain good grades in r high school is a problem that we English teachers must pay n to and solve.
Analyzing the XXX。XXX factors: XXX and students。The following are several XXX:初中英语教学反思
1.Students' XXX are not clear。Many students start learning English from their interests。with a high degree of XXX。They only learn English for a while。Once they encounter setbacks。they are easy to lose interest and confidence。give up easily。and do not seek progress。XXX.
2.Students' learning methods are not good。Some students have not mastered the correct learning methods。XXX。XXX。and writing sentences without following English habits。and forcibly translating word by word from Chinese to English.
3.Students do not understand the key points of learning English。Many students XXX English is a knowledge-based and n-based course。They only need to XXX talking about。and do not focus their main energy on listening。speaking。reading。and writing practice。Therefore。they cannot form language skills。cannot master them proficiently。and will et what they have learned while studying。making it more and more difficult。and XXX.
4.Students XXX of language learning。Learning English must be gradual。solid。and gr
adually improved。If you cannot learn words well。you cannot organize sentences。If you cannot master simple sentences。it XXX is poor。you cannot speak English well。If there is a d of negligence and continuous ns。it will be difficult for students to continue learning English。and dropping out will be inevitable.
5.XXX'XXX is the main channel for r high school students to learn English。If teachers do not follow the rules of language teaching。do not XXX teaching principles。have a single and rigid teaching method。only focus on knowledge imparting。and do not pay n to ability training and practical n。then students will XXX grammar。memorizing words。understanding the text。and doing exercises。In fact。they have not achieved proficiency and XXX of a large number of dropouts is inevitable.