the trip to yongding tutou
good morning, ladies and gentlemen. please allow me on behalf of china international travel service to extend our sincere welcome to you! i’m your tour guide today, miss wang. you can call me xiao wang. today, we will visit the well-known architecture in fujian province. i’ll try my best to make your stay of yongding tulou pleasant and enjoyable. when you are in fujian, this is a place you won’t want to miss. first, i’ll give you a general introduction of the yongding tolou.
first, i want to ask you a question. do you know how many tolou sites exist in yongding? you can guess it. yes, there are more than 20000 still standing today. amazing, isn’t it? since there are so many earth buildings, it is impossible to visit all, so i choose one typical architectural to you. i hope you will have a good time!
ok, my dear guests, look, this is zhencheng building--- the most famous round building, which is called as “the prince of earth building”. it is built in 1912 and cost 5 years to finish. the building covers an area of 5000 square meters and cost 80 thousand silver dollars. zhencheng building is made up of two circles: the outside one is earth structure and the inside one is brick structure.
the outer circle has four floors. kitchens and dining rooms are on the first floor, warehouses are on the second floor, bedrooms are on the third and the fourth floor. there are 218 bedrooms here, now more than 40 families are living in the building.
now let’s go into the building. do you feel warm? yes, since the wall is brick, it can prevent heat and keep warm. so it’s warm in winter and cool in summer. you see, the inner circle has two floors, comprising a wheat barn, an ancestral temple, a theater, a school and a garden. seeing its wing-rooms on the two sides all together, do you think it looks like a governor’s hat in the ancient time? it implies that the owner hoped that this offspring could be so remarkable as to become officials.
the zhencheng tower is the best embodiment of “integration of heaven, earth, and man”. the earth tower is built up according to the eight diagrams that you should never forget to take a look at.
how times flies! the travel to the earth buildings is not just for sightseeing, it is more important to put scenery, history and fun into
teaching and to purify souls of you in this simple natural scenery. i hope you can have a good memory in this journey. at the end of the tour, on behalf of china international travel service again, i am glad to welcome all of you here next time to enjoy the trip for earth building. thank you.
下车英文 (车上)如今福建土楼荣获世界遗产以后,田螺坑土楼——俗称“四菜一汤”,成了标识,名扬天下。很具有观赏价值,是土楼王国,皇冠上的明珠!南靖境内进入世界遗产名录的土楼有两两楼——“田螺坑土楼”、“河坑土楼”、以及最高的方楼“和贵楼”和最精美的圆楼“怀远楼”。“莫道君行早,更有早行人”,田螺坑土楼,早就有诗赞美:田螺坑畔土楼家,雾散云开映彩霞。俯视宛如花一朵,旁看神似布达拉。或云宇外飞来碟,亦说鲁班墨斗花。似此楼形世罕见,环球建苑出奇葩。