1、a快到了,如有转乘@@路的乘客,请提前携带好您的随身物品,准备下车。a will arrive at soon, if passenger having revolution of multiplication road, please shift to an earlier date finishing carrying you the article, prepare to get off a car with self.
2、78路公交车:各位乘客,xxx到了,下车的乘客请依次从后门下车,上车的乘客请配合往里走,请不要站在门口。车辆起步,请拉好扶手,前方到站:xxx。78 city bus,members passengers, xxx arrived, the passengers get off, please turn off from the back door, the board passenger please go inside with, please do not stand in the doorway。 vehicle starting, please lay the handrails in front of arrival: xxx.
3、终点站e到了,请下车,感谢您一路上的大力支持与合作,各位乘客再见,欢迎您的下次乘坐。e has arrived at a terminal , get off a car please, thank your all the way strong support weling you with the cooperation , passengers good-bye, ride in next time。
4、下一站:b,没票的乘客请买票。the next stop is…please take your fair.
5、各位乘客你好,尊老是中华民族的传统美德,如果您身旁有老弱病残孕,以及抱小孩的乘客,请大家主动让座,谢谢。hello all passengers, zunlaoaiyou is the traditional virtue of the chinese nation, if you are sick next pregnancy, as well as carrying passengers, please take the initiative seat, thank you.
6、下一站是“xxx”,要下车的乘客请准备。the ing station is “xxx” please get ready.
7、前方车辆转弯,请扶好坐好,注意安全。the front vehicle makes turn , lean on safety easy to sit up , pay attention to please.
8、前方进入繁华路段,车辆有随时刹车的可能,请大家扶好坐好,不要将头,手,物品伸出窗外。the front enters flourishing section , the vehicle has the possibility putting on the brakes at any time, ask everybody to help the head , hand easy to sit up , not will up, the article reaches out window external.
9、a到了,请下车,**路开往e,请先下后上。a is up, please get off the road bound for
** e, after the first.
10、亲爱的乘客们,下一站是“xxx”请在后门下车。dear passengers, the next stop is “xxx”please get off at the back door!