1.swipe card磁卡;Touch in/touch out进站刷/出站刷;The next 下一站是; is a transfer station本站是换乘车站; passagers for line 1前往1号线的乘客;Please get ready for your arrival下车的乘客请提前做好准备
2.当列车关门警示音响起,请勿再强行进入车厢,谢谢。Do not force your waythrough the doorway when you hear the buzzer that indicates the door isclosing.force (v.)强行buzzer(n.)警示音indicate(v.)象征、指示在车站及列车上,请勿吸烟、饮食、嚼食口香糖或槟榔。Please do not smoke, eat, drink, chew gumor betel nut in Taipei Metro system.
3.The destination of this train is xXX (本次列车终点站为XX地) .Welcome toxXxx station, please get off before getting on.欢迎光临某某站,请先让车上的乘客下去后再上车。Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to xXX train. The terminalstation of this train is xXX,and the whole journey will take XXX hours.各位乘客,欢迎乘坐xxx地铁,本次列车终点站是xxx,全程xxx个小时。We have prepareda delicious lunch for you, please buy it yourself.本次行程为大家准备了美味的午餐、请有需要的乘客自行购买。