1旅游大巴停车场 Tour Bus Parking
2 游客停车场 Visitor Parking
3 摆渡车落客区 Shuttle Bus Terminal
4 摆渡车停靠点 Shuttle Bus Drop-Off
1 团体入口;团体检票口 Groups Entrance
2 预约团队入口 Entrance for Groups with Reservation
3 参观通道;游客通道 Visitors Passage
4 散客通道 Individual Visitors Passage
5 团队通道 Groups Passage
6 团队预约排队区 Queuing Area for Groups with Reservation
7 上楼楼梯 Stairway Up
8 下楼楼梯 Stairway Down
9 入口方向 Way In
10 出口方向 Way Out
1 景区简介;解说牌 Introduction
2 游客服务中心;游客中心 Tourist Center
3 咨询服务中心 Information Center
4 游览图;导览图 Tourist Map
5 游览指南 Tour Information
6 导览机 Audio Guide
7 导游讲解;导游服务 Tour Guide Service
8 景区一日游 Day Tour
1 广播室;广播站 Broadcast Room 或 Broadcast Station
2 管理处 Management Office
3 退押金处 Deposit Refund
4 旅游投诉 Complaints
5 游人建议、意见簿 Comments and Complaints
1 货币兑换 Currency Exchange
2 雨伞租借 Umbrella Service
3 手杖租借 Walking Stick Service
4 婴儿车租借 Stroller Service
5 轮椅租借 Wheelchair Service
6 急救箱 First Aid Kit
7 救生圈 Life Ring
8 免费饮水 Free Drinking Water
9 照相服务 Photo Service
10 服装租用 Costumes Rental
11 观光索道 Sightseeing Cableway
12 紧急呼叫点 Emergency Call
13 缆车;索道缆车;空中缆车 Cable Car
14 缆车(滑雪场专用) Ski Lift
15 缆车售票处 Cableway Ticket Office
16 乘缆车入口 Cable Car Entrance
17 缆车最大载重量:______人 Maximum Cabin Capacity: ______ People
18 游船码头 Dock 或 Pier
19 观光船;游船 Sightseeing Boat
20 观光小火车 Sightseeing Train
21 观光车 Sightseeing Car
22 观光车停靠站 Sightseeing Car Stop
23 租船处 Boat Rental
24 滑道戏水 Water Sliding
1 当心绊倒
Mind Your Step
2 当心动物伤人
CAUTION Animals May Attack
3 当心划船区域
CAUTION Boating Area
4 当心电缆
CAUTION Cable Here
5 当心高空坠物
CAUTION Falling Objects
6 当心火车
Beware of Trains
7 当心机械伤人
DANGER Machine May Cause Injury
1 禁止饮用 Not for Drinking
2 禁止采摘 Do Not Pick Flower or Fruit
3 食品饮料谢绝入内 Outside Food or Beverages Not Allowed
4 请勿留弃食品或食品包装 Do Not Leave Behind Food or Food Wrappings
5 禁止下水 Stay Out of Water
6 禁止垂钓 No Angling 或 No Fishing
7 禁止游泳 No Swimming
8 禁止戏水 No Wading
9 酒后不能上船 No Boarding Under Influence of Alcohol
10 请勿摇晃船只 Do Not Rock Boat
11 禁坐栏杆 Do Not Sit on Handrail
12 禁止跨越护栏 Do Not Climb over Fence
13 请勿坐在护栏上 Do Not Sit on Guardrail
14 禁止损坏公物 Do Not Damage Public Property
15 请勿在此驻留 Please Move on
16 请勿随意移动隔离墩 Do Not Move Barriers
17 严禁中途下车 No Drop-Off Between Stops
18 禁止开窗 Keep Windows Closed
19 请勿拍打玻璃 Do Not Tap on the Glass
20 禁止伸出窗外 Keep Head and Hands Inside
21 请勿惊吓、戏弄动物 Do Not Disturb Animals
1 展馆 Exhibition Hall 或 Exhibition Gallery〔后者用于美术馆〕
2 青铜器馆 Bronze Gallery
3 瓷器馆 Porcelain Gallery
4 玉器馆 Jade Gallery
5 漆器馆 Lacquer Gallery
6 书画馆;字画馆 Calligraphy and Paintings Gallery
7 现代书画馆 Modern Calligraphy and Paintings Gallery
8 油画馆 Oil Paintings Gallery
9 古代珍宝馆 Historical Treasures Gallery
10 古代钱币馆 Ancient Coins Gallery
11 古代家具馆 Ancient Furniture Gallery
12 标本室 Specimen Room
13 展品 Exhibits
14 馆藏(指文物) Museum Collection
15 民间收藏(指文物) Private Collection
16 复制品 Replica
17 模型 Model
18 场馆简介 Introduction
19 场馆示意图;导览图 Map and Guide
20 多媒体导览 Multimedia Guide
21 讲解服务 Guide Service
22 团体接待 Group Reception
23 巡回展览 Itinerant Exhibition 或 Touring Exhibition
24 主题展览 Thematic Exhibition
25 综合性展览 General Exhibition
26 体验区 Exploration Area 或 Experience Area
27 触摸区 Touch Area
28 视听区 Audio-Visual Area
29 视听室 Audio-Visual Room
30 纪念品商店 Souvenir Store
31 馆内布展,暂停开放 Temporarily Closed. New Exhibition in Preparation
32 请勿触摸展品 Do Not Touch
33 请继续参观;参观由此向前;由此参观 Please Proceed This Way
34 请上楼继续参观 Exhibition Continues Upstairs
35 文物鉴定(多为古董) Antique Authentication
36 展品不外售 Not for Sale