Bus 公交车          car小汽车              plane飞机          bike自行车      moto (motorbike)摩托车          taxi的士              ambulance救护车 jeep吉普车        police car警车  train火车
subway /railway地铁                        sports car 跑车    truck 卡车        trailer拖车     
van面包车        ship轮船                aircraft 航空母舰  handcart/ go-cart手推车
First Class头等舱  Economy Class经济舱  Business Class商务舱  cabin客舱
« by+交通工具«  By bus    by car    by plane    by train    by subway  by bike 特例:on foot
< by+水,陆,空> by water 经水路  by land 经陆路  by sea 经海路  by air 乘机 by road 经公路  by rail经铁路
<take+交通工具> take a bus    take a car  take a plane  take a train  特例:ride a bike, ride a horse
©动词词组Walk to 步行去。。。。 drive to 开车去。。。。。  ride to 骑马/车去。。。。 fly to乘飞机去。。。。
注:这些词组若后面接地点副词,如:here, there, home。介词to 要省略掉
如:We walk there. 我们步行去那里。
Leave from……..离开哪里/从哪里离开
Leave to…….去往哪里
Board the plane 登机board the ship上船
Get on/get off后面可加任何交通工具,如:get on the car/ship/plane上车/上船/登机
Get off the car/ship/plane下车/下船/下飞机
1. How long? is used to ask questions about amounts or periods of time.                       How long通常是用来问时间段的
How long have you been waiting?' 'Only for a minute or two.'
问:你等多长时间了?/你等多久了?    答:就一两分钟
How long have they been married?' 'Oh, for a very long time. More than 25 years.'
问:他们结婚多久了?                  答:哇,那真的蛮长时间的了,超过25年了。
How much longer can you stay?' 'Not much longer. For another ten minutes perhaps. I have to be home before midnight.
问:你呆多久?                        答:不会太久,可能多10来分钟吧。 我午夜前得回到家。
2. ? can also be used to ask about the measured length of something.
    How long还可以用来问物体的长度
How long was the wedding dress?' 'It was very short, knee-length really.'
问:婚礼礼服有多长?                        答:很短,就膝盖的长度
I see you are growing your hair. How long do you want it to be?' 'Shoulder-length at least.'
问:你头发还在留长啊,你想留到多长啊?  答:至少得留到肩长吧。
3. How 这个是问具体的次数
How many times have you read that book?' 'At least ten times. I really like it.'
问: 这本书你读了多少遍?                              答:至少10遍了,真心喜欢这本书
How many times did you visit them last summer?' 'Almost every weekend.'
问:去年夏天你去探望他们去了多少次?                        答:几乎每周末都去
How many times did the phone ring last night?' 'We must have had about twenty calls.
问:昨晚电话响了多少遍?                                          答:一定有20遍左右了
4.  How many times? which usually refers to past occasions. How often? is used to refer to past, present and future situations.
  How many times通常指过去所发生的次数,即动作已完成的。而How often常常可用于过去,现在和将来的情况
How often do you plan to play tennis this summer?' 'As often as possible. Every day, if I can.
问:这夏天你准备打多少次乒乓球?                    答:尽可能常打,如果可以的话,每天都打。
How often did you go to the cinema when you were young?' 'Every weekend, without fail. There was no television then.
问:你小的时候你去过多少次电影院看电影? 答:每周末都去,场场不落,因为当时还没电视。
How often do you go to the supermarket to do shopping?' Not very often, perhaps once a month.
问:你平常多久去一次超市购物?                  答:不常去,大概一月一次吧。
1.Betty: I was late for school today. 
Mum: Why? What happened? 
Betty: I took the bus. There was a road accident, and the traffic was very heavy. But nobody   was late, except me. Maybe I should go to school by taxi. 
Mum: It’s the most comfortable way, but it’s also the most expensive. 
Betty: Then what about going by bike? 
Mum: That’s a good choice, but it’s a bit dangerous. There’s so much traffic. 
Betty: But most of my classmates ride bikes, and it’s quite safe. Don’t worry. I’ll be careful. 
Mum: How does Tony go to school? 
Betty: He lives the farthest from school, so he takes the underground. 
Mum: And what about Betta
Betty: Her home is the closest to school, so she walks. 
Mum: How about Jimi? 
Betty: He goes by bus too, the same as me. But it’s so crowded! And the traffic is heavy. 
Mum: All right. You can ride your bike to school, but remember to be careful all the time. 
2. What is the best way to travel? 
I am planning to travel from London to Amsterdam. How long does the journey take and what is the best way to travel? 
Could you please tell me about the trains or ships to get there? The more                 information, the better. Thanks. 
Best answer: There are four ways to travel.