  Lu Xun Lives in People's heart
  Lu Xun died 65 years ago, but his literature and thought still receive great attention and his popularity appears unlikely to die out.
  “His works do not belong only to one nation, but are of global value,'' Feng Tie, a Chinese scholar now living in Germany, told a recent international academic symposium on ``The World of Lu Xun and the Lu Xun of the World.''
  Lu Xun, born in Shaoxing County in Zhejiang Province on September 25, 1881, was one of the country's greatest thinkers and man of letter in the 20th century. He died in 1936.
  Lu wrote a number of literary classics, including ¨°The True Story of Ah Q,`` `A Madman's Diary,`` ``Kong Yiji'' and ``Medicine,'' which exposed the ugly side of human nature and emancipated people's minds.
  When he was alive, his works stood out like a lighthouse, providing a guiding light for perplexed Chinese youths who were passionate about China's future, Xinhua news agency said.
  After he passed away, Japanese found out from his works the strength to rejuvenate their country, which was shattered during World War II.
  Over the past decades, thousands of experts and scholars around the world have studied his works from almost every possible angle, such as culture, psychology, arts, linguistics, the outlook of love and the attitude toward life.
  In China, studies of Lu Xun have flourished into a special academic field, which holds such a position that it can be paralleled to that of the ¨Dream of the Red Mansion,`` which is one of the country's four classical literature masterpieces.
  Lu Xun's works have been translated into such languages as English, Russian, German, and Korean and distributed throughout the world.
  Zhou shu ren was a
  great writer in china. He’s
  true name was Zhou zhang
  shou who was born in shao{关于鲁迅的英语作文}.
  xin. He was also famous for
  the written name—Lu xun.
  Lu xun had written
  many great articles such as{关于鲁迅的英语作文}.
  <Medicine >,<The story of
  Mr.Q>. On one hand, he can
  write various literary forms—
  for him essays, short fiction is just a piece of cake. Reviews, translation is just so so to him. On the other hand, he had a great fluence on Chinese literature after The May 4th Movement. Mao ze dong who was the president of china that time considered him as a great proletarian writer, thinker, revolutionary.
  As a main character , he was the chief commander of China’s Cultural Revolution who was thought of as “National soul”. The last but not least , Mr.Luxun life writing has 600 words ,including writings about 500 ten thousand words, compiled about 100 ten thousand words and letters.
  篇三:《初中英语作文:My favourite writer—Lu Xun 我最喜爱作家 鲁迅》
  初中英语作文:My favourite writer—Lu Xun 我最喜爱的作家 鲁迅  Lu Xun is my favourite writer. He is one of the most famous writers in China. He wrote a lot of literary works.
  He was thin and not tall. He always wore a long old coat in that time. At first, he wanted to be a doctor and save people's lives. So he learned medicine, but later he found the Chinese were in sensitive when they faced the oppression of their enemies. So he began to write articles to wake the people up.
  Lu Xun wrote some famous novels, he attacked the social mores in that time, and in his works, many persons were known very well, such as "Ah Q""Kong Yi ji".
  I like Lu Xun because I also want to be a great writer like him. I like reading and writing, and I often write some articles in my free time. Though I don't have good literary talent or a large vocabulary, I spend lots of time reading and writing to improve my writing skills.
  Lu Xun is my hero, I will learn more from him. I believe I can be a great writer like him in the future.
  篇四:《鲁迅滴一生  英文版》
  Lu xun, was born on September 25, 1882 in shaoxing duchang fang mouth a feudal Con
fucian family, enlightenment age of 7, 12 years old at sanwei bookroom,, enquiry to produce strong interest in painting art, since then to lay a solid cultural foundation. Shaoxing has a long history and splendid culture, to lu xun's thoughts with great influence and impact. Left home in the spring of 1898, lu xun, full of new hope in life, was admitted to the nanjing jiangnan navy academy in 1902, lu xun graduated with high honors, be thegovernment-sent to Japan to study abroad. On the eve of the revolution of lu xun's return to the motherland.
  Russia after the October revolution victory, encouraged by lu xun, with many of the advanced intellectuals such as li dazhao, Chen duxiu, writing articles, the magazine, has opened the prologue of the May 4th movement in China. In 1918, he published the first article on China's modern literature vernacular novel "the diary of a madman