1. 祈使句
祈使句 --- 肯定句,Yuki - 外研社英语4年级上册(一年级起点版)
① Let's play the piano. (我们一起弹钢琴吧!)
② Let's do some sports. (我们一起做运动吧!)
祈使句 --- 否定句,Yuki - 外研社英语4年级上册(一年级起点版)
① Don't touch the machines. (不要摸机器!)
② Don't feed the fish. (不要喂鱼!)
(常用动词,可以替换练习,祈使句中的动词为动词原形:touch (触摸), cut (切), make (制作), wash (洗), wait (等待), wear (穿戴), put (放), sing (唱), write (写), stop (停止), talk (谈话), play (玩), feed (喂食), walk (走路), hear (听见), take (带走), cost (价值为), shout (叫喊), laugh (大笑), run (跑步), clap (鼓掌), eat (吃), speak (说)... )
2. 过去时 --- 肯定句:
过去时 --- 肯定句,Yuki - 外研社英语4年级上册(一年级起点版)
Once upon a time, there was a boy. He looked after sheep. (从前有个小男孩,他照看羊(放羊)。)
The boy ran to the village. (男孩跑到村子。)
They said, “Don’t tell lies! ”  (他们说道: “别撒谎!”)
(常见动词的过去式要注意积累:is - was, look - looked, run - ran, say - said)
3. 过去时 --- 问句:
询问过去做了什么,Yuki - 外研社英语4年级上册(一年级起点版)
① What did they play? (他们演奏什么?)
--- Dad played the erhu. And Mum played the pipa. (爸爸演奏二胡。妈妈演奏琵琶。)
② 球类运动: play football (踢足球), play basketball (打篮球), play badminton (打羽毛球),  play ping-pong (打乒乓球)...
③ 演奏乐器: play the piano (弹钢琴),  play the violin (拉小提琴),  play the erhu (拉二胡),  play the pipa (弹琵琶),  play the flute (吹笛子),  play the drums (敲鼓)...
询问过去的时间,Yuki - 外研社英语4年级上册(一年级起点版)
① When did you get up yesterday? (你昨天几点起床的?)
--- I got up at 8 o'clock yesterday. (我昨天8点起床的。)
(do - did, play - played, get - got)
4. 现在时 --- 肯定句:
一般现在时,Yuki - 外研社英语4年级上册(一年级起点版)
Is it expensive? (它很贵吗?)
--- No, it's cheap. (不,它很便宜。)
② Is it beautiful? (它很漂亮吗?)
--- It's not beautiful, but it's helpful. (它不漂亮,但是很有帮助(实用)。)
(可以试着用常见的形容词替换练习:old (年老的), young (年轻的), big (大的), small (小的), long (长的), short (短的), new (新的), old (旧的), hot (热的)
, cold (冷的), far (远的), near (近的), expensive (昂贵的), cheap (便宜的), fat (胖的), thin (瘦的), beautiful (美丽的), cute (可爱的), clever (聪明的)... )
It costs one hundred and eighteen yuan. (它价值一百一十八元。)
(百位和十位之间用and 连接。例如,450 读作four hundred and fifty)
现在进行时,Yuki - 外研社英语4年级上册(一年级起点版)
Daming is making a card for his father. (大明正在给爸爸做卡片。)
② He’s writing a message for his father. (他正在给他爸爸写祝词。)
5. 现在时 --- 问句
询问现在正在做什么,Yuki - 外研社英语4年级上册(一年级起点版)
What are you doing? (你们正在做什么?)
--- We’re having a party. (我们正在举行派对。)
② What’s happening now? (现在发生什么事了?)
--- Sam is playing the violin. (Sam正在拉小提琴。)
询问现在的时间,Yuki - 外研社英语4年级上册(一年级起点版)
What’s the time now? (现在几点钟了?)
--- It’s 2 o’clock. (现在二点钟了。)
② Is it 8 o’clock now? (现在八点了吗?)
--- Yes, it is. (是的,现在8点钟。) / No, it isn't. (不,现在不是8点钟。)
③ Is it breakfast time now? (现在是早餐时间吗?)
--- Yes, it is. (是的,现在是早餐时间。) / No, it's school time. (不,现在是上学的时间。)
询问一般的或者现在的方位,Yuki - 外研社英语4年级上册(一年级起点版)
Does he live in New York? (他住在纽约吗?
--- Yes, he does. (是的,他住在纽约。) / No, he doesn't. New York is in the east of the US.  (不,他不住纽约,纽约在美国的东部。)
② Where is Beijing? (北京在哪里?)
--- Beijing is in the North of China. (北京在中国的北部。)
(east (东), west (西), south (南), north(北))
询问一般的或者现在的原因,Yuki - 外研社英语4年级上册(一年级起点版)
Why do you like Australia? (你为什么喜欢澳大利亚?)
--- Because I love Australian animals. (因为我喜欢澳大利亚的动物。)
Why do you like fruit? (你为什么喜欢水果?)
--- Because it's healthy. (因为水果很健康(对身体健康有好处)。)
6. 将来时 --- 肯定句
将来时 --- 肯定句,Yuki - 外研社英语4年级上册(一年级起点版)
--- Sb. Will do sth.
--- Sb. be(am / is / are) going to do sth.
We’ll send you a postcard from the UK. (我们将要从英国寄明信片给你。)
I’m going to go back to the US. (我要回英国。)
(想想自己明天,后天,下周,下个月或者将来自己会做什么,试着用两种方式进行表达哦,will和be going to表示将来有区别,详细我会做一个专题。)
7. 将来时 --- 问句