Unit 1 My school (我的学校
一、单词:楼层  first floor一楼    second floor二楼
教室teachers office教师办公室  library 图书馆  playground 操场  puter room计算机房 music room音乐教室 art room美术教室 gym体育馆
其他:ne*t to在近旁 homework 作业class 班;班级  forty四十  way方向
指示代词:this 这,这个(通常指空间上离我们较近的单数物品)
that 那,那个 (通常指空间上离我们较远的单数物品 )
1.询问教室位置:Where is the library?图书馆在哪里?
                  Its on the second floor. 它在二楼。
Is thisthe art room? 这是美术教室吗?    Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.
Is that the teachers office? 那是…吗? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.
Is it a puter? 它是计算机吗?        Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.
Do you have a playground? 你们(学校)有操场吗?
Yes, we do.        No, we dont.
How many students are there in your class? 你班有多少个学生?
Forty-five students.  四十五个学生。
礼貌待客“这边请”  This way please.
P5Lets do 部分:
Go to the library. Read a book.        去图书馆,读书。
Go to the teachers office.  Say hello. 去教师办公室,说您好!
Go to the playground.  Play football.  去操场,踢足球。
Go to the garden. Water the flowers.  去花园,浇花。
P9:  This is the library.      That is the playground.
Unit 2 What time is it? (几点钟了)
一、词汇(另外要根据时间判断相应的活动 a.m.上午  p.m.下午)
一日三餐:breakfast早餐 lunch午餐 dinner 晚餐 
课程:music class音乐课 PE class体育课English class英语课
动词词组: get up 起床 go to school 去上学 go home 回家 go to bed 上床睡觉
是时候该    Its time for +名词词组. Its time for English class.
干什么了:  Its time to +动词词组. Its time to go toschool.
询问时间:What time is it now?  现在几点钟了?
Its 5 oclock.  5点了。
P15Lets do部分.
Time for breakfast. Lets drink some milk.
Time for lunch.  Lets have some chicken.该吃午餐了。让我们吃些鸡肉吧。
Time for dinner.  Lets eat some rice.该吃晚餐了。让我们吃些米饭吧。
Time for PE class.  Lets jump and run.该上体育课了。让我们跳和跑吧。
Time for English class.  Lets read and write.
Time for music class. Lets sing and dance.
School is over.  放学了。            Hurry up. 快点。
Time to go home. 该回家了。          Breakfast is ready.  早餐准备好了。
P19:  What time is it?    Its ten oclock.
Unit 3 Weather(天气)
根据温度:cold寒冷的(5℃) warm温暖的(20℃)
cool凉爽的(15℃) hot炎热的(30℃)
根据天气符号:snowy下雪的  sunny晴朗的      rainy下雨的
windy有风的  cloudy多云的   weather report天气预报 
outside在户外  be careful小心  weather天气    how about怎么样    degree度数        world世界        London伦敦      Moscow 莫斯科
Singapore 新加坡  Sydney 悉尼      fly放(风筝)    love爱你的
1.征求他人意见:Can I go outside now? 现在我能出去吗?
Yes, you can. /No, you cant
Whats the weather like in New York? 纽约的天气怎么样?
    Its cool and rainy. 是凉爽的并且下雨的。
Is it sunny in Beijing? 是晴朗的吗?
Yes, it is.是的。          No, it isnt.不是的。
Its cold outside.  外面是冷的。    Put on a hat.  戴上帽子。
Its warm inside.里面是暖和的.    Take off your shoes.脱下你的鞋子。
Its 26 degrees. 26度。        Be careful! 小心当心。
P29:   Is it sunny?      Yes, it is.        No, it isnt.
It is windy in Beijing.
It is rainy in London.
It is cloudy in Singapore.
It is sunny in Sydney.
Unit 4 At the farm(在农场)
hens母鸡   goats山羊   cows奶牛   horsessheep绵羊(不变)
蔬菜( vegetables)
tomatoes西红柿        potatoes土豆      green beans豆角
carrots胡萝卜        onions洋葱
these这些    those哪些    yum味道好    animal动物    garden花园    farm农场      goat山羊      eat 吃 
What are these? 这些是什么?      They are tomatoes.它们是西红柿。
What are those那些是什么?      Theyre carrots. 它们是土豆。
library的复数What are they?它们是什么?        They are hens. 它们是母鸡。