1.The ________ in the library are very cute. (   )
A.lion    B.a lion    C.lions
2.—What _________ you? (   )
—I’d like a hot dog.
A.do    B.are    C.about
3.—It’s Mum’s birthday. Let _______ make a big cake _______ her. (     )
A.our; for    B.me; to    C.us; for
4.—_______ are my white shoes? (     )
—In the _______, beside the desk.
A.What; kitchen    B.Where; bedroom    C.How; living room
5.He can ______. (   )
A.swimming well    B.swim well    C.swim good
6.I have ________ cakes. Do you have ________ cakes? (   )
A.some; any    B.some; some    C.any; some
7.Would you like ________ rice? (      )
A.some    B.a    C.any
8.—Do you have ______ toys? (   )
—No, ______.
A.any; I do    B.some; I don’t    C.any; I don’t
9.—________ you play football well? (   )
—No, I _______.
A.Can, can't    B.Do, can't    C.Can, can
10.--- Where’s the bird? (    )
--- It’s _______ the tree.
A.on    B.in    C.at
11.—I can’t see my red ball, Jim. (    )
—Oh, look, it’s ______ the door.
A.on    B.behind    C.at
12.—What’s seventeen and fifteen? (    )
A.Thirty-seven    B.Thirty-five    C.Thirty-two
13.—What would you like? (    )       
—______ like fruit salad.
A.I    B.I’d    C.I am
14.Tom is a tall boy. ______ hair ______ long. (    )
A.He’s; is    B.He’s; are    C.His; is
15.—I can sing. ________? (    )
—Me too.
A.What would you like?    B.Where are you?    C.What about you?
16.—Do you have _____ (some) clocks in the kitchen?
—Yes, we do. We have two big _____ (fridge) too.
17.This is _____ (we) dog. _____ (she) is cute. _____ (she) mouth is big, but _____ (she) ears are small.
18.—How ______ (many) is the cap?
—It’s twelve yuan.
19.Mike is short, but ________ (he) brother is tall.
20.—Do you have _____ (some) stickers?
—Yes, I have _____(some).
21.I can _____ (play) football.
22._________ (that) socks are so big!
23.How many _________ (box) do you have?
24.I can't jump. My brother can't jump _________ (too).
25.I'd like three cups of _____ (coffee).
26.How many _____ (library) do you have in the school?
27.—How many _____ (robot) do you have?
—I have one _____ (robot).
28.—_____ (She's / Her) a beautiful girl.
—_____ (She's / Her) eyes _____ (is / are) big.
29._____ (she) eyes are big, _____ (she) mouth is small. _____ (she) is beautiful.
30.—What about ___________ (some) tea?
—No, ___________ (thank).
31.Helen can _____ (游泳) very well.
32.—Can you ____ (跳) high?
—No, I can’t. But I can try.
33.Look! A big ______ (鱼) is in the water.
34.This ________ (雨伞) is cool.
35.You have ___________ (一把漂亮的雨伞) in the living room.
36.There’s some _____ and a glass of _____ on the _____.
37.We have ______ desks in our classroom. ()
38.Yang Ling has a nice _____ in her _____.
39.The boy has _______ eyes.
40.The man is not tall. He is s__________ and f__________ .
A: Welcome to my home, Yang Ling.
B: Thank you, Helen. Your home is big and nice.
A: Thank you. Come in, please.
B: What's that on the desk? Is it a toy car?
A: No. It's a telephone (电话).
B: How nice! Are those oranges on the table?
A: No. They're sweets. Eat a sweet, please.
B: Thank you. What are those on the sofa?
A: They're toy pigs.
B: How lovely!
41、Who's A? (    )
A.Yang Ling.    B.Helen.    C.Mum.
42、Is Helen's house big? (    )
A.Yes, it is.    B.No. It's big.    C.No, it isn't.
43、What's that on the desk? (    )
A.A dog.    B.A telephone.    C.An orange.
44、What are those on the table? (    )
A.Sweets.    B.Oranges.    C.Eggs.
45、What are those on the sofa? (    )
A.Toy cows.    B.Toy dogs.    C.Toy pigs.
Hi! I'm Tom. I'm from Canada. I live (居住) in Kunming now. I like Chinese food very much. It's delicious (美味的) and healthy (健康的).
In the morning, I'd like rice noodles (米线) for breakfast (早餐). They are long. But I can use chopsticks well to eat rice noodles. After school (放学后), I can help my mother to cook dinner. We cook rice, beef, fish, soup and vegetables. My parents like beef and vegetables. I like fish and vegetables. They're delicious and healthy. Do you like Chinese food?
46、Tom is from _______. (   )
A.Canada    B.the USA    C.the UK.
47、Tom would like _______ for breakfast. (   )
A.eggs and milk    B.bread and juice    C.rice noodles
48、Can Tom use chopsticks? (   )
A.Yes, he can.    B.No, he can't.    C.I don't know.