1.It’s black and white. It can give(给) us milk. What animal is it? (   )
A.Panda.    B.Zebra.    C.Cow.
2.—What _____ you like? (    )
—I'd like _____ apple pie.
A.would; a    B.do; an    C.would; an
3.在My little dog has an orange bag.中与girl划线部分发音不同的选项是 ______. (   )
A.dog    B.orange    C.bag
4.—________ umbrellas do you have? (   )
—I have one.
A.How many    B.How much    C.What colour
5.You can see a big bird __________ the tree. (   )
A.on    B.in    C.at
6.—____________? (    )
—I’d like a white skirt for my doll.
A.What are you    B.Where are you    C.Can I help you
7.Look at these _____. They are sweet. (    )
A.tigers    B.pineapples    C.sofas
8.This is John. _____ my brother. _____ hair is long. (    )
A.She’s; Her    B.He’s; His    C.His; He’s
9.—This doll is for you. (    )
—_____ nice doll!
A.How    B.What    C.What a
10.A: Dad, I’m hungry. (    )                   
B: Let’s go to _______.
A.the farm    B.the snack bar    C.the park
11.His nose is small, ______ his mouth is big. (    )
A.but    B.and    C.But
12.—How many balls do you have? (    )
—I have seventeen balls. Seven red balls and ______ yellow balls.
A.four    B.six    C.ten
13.---          footballs do you have?  (   )
A.How nice    B.How much    C.How many
14.—What would you like? (    )       
—______ like fruit salad.
A.I    B.I’d    C.I am
15.—Do you have ________ toy cars? (    )
—Yes. I have ________ robots too.
A.some; any    B.any; some    C.any; any
16.He's tall. _________ (he) eyes are big.
17.That girl can play football very __________. (good)
18.Look at my doll. Her ears _____ (be) small.
19.This is ______ (he) umbrella.
20.Would you like ________ (some) bananas?
21.How many ________ (animal) ________ (toy) do you have?
22.I can _____ (play) football.
23.Here are two _____ (glass) of _____ (milk).
24._________ (that) socks are so big!
25.How many _____ (library) do you have in the school?
26.—How many _____ (box) do you have?
—I have fifteen _____ (box).
27.—What colour do you like?
—I like _____ (brown).
28.He is a _____ boy. He can swim very _____ (good).
29.Look at ________ (this) horses.
30.How much _____ (be) the fan and the umbrella?
31.—Here are your ______ (面条) and two ______ (鸡蛋).
32.Look! A big ______ (鱼) is in the water.
33.Would you like some ________ (三明治)?
3o you like this ______?
35.I’d like some ______ for lunch.
36.This umbrella is ________ yuan.
37.Yang Ling has a nice _____ in her _____.
38.Shh! Don't talk. There's a __________ under the tree.
39.A: Look at this dog. His ________ are big.
B: His tail is ________.
—Where are my _____?
—_____ in the bedroom.
Hello! My name is Lily. I’m ten years old. Welcome to my home. This is the living room. A table is near the sofa. The red phone is on the table. This is the bedroom. A big bed is in it. This is the study. My desk is near the window. My schoolbag is on the desk. This is the kitchen. A white fridge is in it. This is the bathroom. My mother is in the bathroom.
41、Lily is ________ years old. (    )
A.eleven    B.nine    C.ten
42、The table is near the ________. (    )
A.bed    B.sofa    C.fridge
43、The phone is ________. (    )
A.red    B.blue    C.white
44、Lily’s desk is in the ________. (    )
library的复数A.living room    B.study    C.bedroom
45、The ________ is in the kitchen. (    )
A.sofa    B.phone    C.fridge
Hello, I’m Tom. I’m from the UK. I’m ten years old. Look at my family photo. There are four people in my family. This is my father. He is tall and thin. He likes mangoes. But I don’t like mangoes. I like pineapples. The beautiful woman is my mother. She is thin. She has l
ong hair. She likes bananas best(最). The cute boy is my little brother. His name is Tony. He is eight years old. He doesn’t(不)like playing table tennis. He likes playing football and volleyball(排球)very much. He often(经常) plays football with me .I love my family.
46、Tom is ______ year(s) old. (   )
A.10    B.4    C.1
47、Tom’s father is ______. (   )
A.fat    B.short    C.tall
48、Tom’s mother likes ______ best. (   )
A.bananas    B.pineapples    C.mangoes
49、Tony is Tom’s ______. (   )
A.father    B.mother    C.brother
50、Tony doesn’t like playing ______. (   )
A.football    B.table tennis    C.volleyball
A: Dad, it’s Mother’s Day. I want to make a card for Mum.
B: Good idea! There’s some red and yellow paper (纸) on the desk.
A: Great. Mum likes red. What’s the time, Dad?
B: It’s seven thirty. Have breakfast, Peter.
A: Oh, I like the sandwich. But I’ll be late. Where’s my school bag?
B: It’s on the bed.
A: No, that blue bag is Tim’s. My bag is brown.
B: Look, it’s on the sofa.
51、It’s __________ today. (   )
A.Father’s Day    B.Mother’s Day    C.Women’s Day
52、It’s time for _________. (   )
A.breakfast    B.lunch    C.bed