tall enough      something new    the rich      interest    nothing wrong    turn green
(1)Is there ________ in that book?   
(2)He is ________ to get that book on the shelf.   
(3)Trees ________ when spring comes.   
(4)It is ________ to play in the snow.   
(5)________ should help the poor.   
(6)There is ________ with him. He looks sad.   
【答案】 (1)anything new
(2)tall enough
(3)turn green
(5)The rich
(6)something wrong 
【解析】【分析】 tall enough足够高;something new新鲜事;the rich富人;interest兴趣;nothing wrong没毛病;turn green变绿了。
(1)句意:那本书里有新鲜事吗?句子为there be结构,be之后需要名词或者不定代词,因此使用something new,句子为一般疑问句,因此将something改为anything,故答案是anything new。
(2)句意:他个子足够高拿到了架子上的书。根据 to get that book on the shelf. 可知他的个子够高,故答案是tall enough。
(3)句意:春天来了,树木变绿了。根据 when spring comes 可知,树木变绿了,这是客观事实,因此使用一般现在时,主语trees为复数,动词使用原形,故答案是turn green。
(4)句意:富人应该帮助穷人。根据  should help the poor. 可知应该帮助穷人的是富人,故答案是The rich。
(5)句意:他有点问题。他看起来伤心。根据 He looks sad. 可知,他可能有什么事。故答案是something wrong。
hurt    donut      laugh    happy    enough
(1)—How do you feel, Jenny? 
—I feel ________.
(2)Some children like to eat a ________ every day.   
(3)It's cold ________ for us to go skating(滑冰).   
(4)—Oh, what's wrong with you? 
—I ________ my left arm.
(5)The funny (有趣的) book makes everyone ________.   
【答案】 (1)happy
【解析】【分析】选项含义:hurt 伤害; donut,甜甜圈; laugh ,笑;   happy ,开心; enough,足够。
(3)句意:天气够冷的,我们可以去滑冰了。固定结构enough to do sth,足够做某事,故填enough。
library的复数 (4)句意:——哦,你怎么了?——我的左臂受伤了。根据题干中的what's wrong with you?提示可知,答语应该表示左臂受伤了或发生病变,由选项提示科学,故选hurt。
(5)句意:这本有趣的书让每个人都笑了。根据题干中的funny可知,这本书让人发笑,make sb do sth,让某人做某事,故填laugh。
lab    library        teachers      from      classrooms
office  around      visiting      there      have
    My name is Tom. I'm a ________ student in China. I' m ________Canada. Li Hua is my classmate(同班同学). He shows me ________our school. There is a ________.Students get books ________. There are many(许多) ________ in our school. Students have lessons there.
    There is also a ________. Students ________ science classes there. What' that?
    Oh, it's an ________. ________ plan their lessons there. I love our school.
【答案】 visiting;from;around;library;there;classrooms;lab;have;office;Teachers 
lab 实验室    library 图书馆      teachers 老师      from 来自      classrooms 教室      office 办公室      around 环绕      visiting 参观      there 那里      have 有
(2)句意:我来自加拿大。be from来自,故填from。
(3)句意:他带我参观了我们的学校。show ab. around sth.带某人参观......,故填around。
(4)句意:有一个图书馆。根据后句get books,得到书,可知是从图书馆里得到书,即library,a后面用单数名词,故填library。
(6)句意:在我们学校有许多教室。根据后句Students have lessons there.学生在那里上课,即教室classroom,many后面用可数名词复数,所以用classrooms,故填classrooms。
(7)句意:也有一个实验室。根据science classes,科学课,可知是实验室lab,a后面用单数,故填lab。
(8)句意:学生们在那里上科学课。have science classes,上科学课,主语students是复数,时态是一般现在时,所以动词用原形,故填have。
(9)句意:它是一个办公室。根据plan their lessons计划他们的课,可知是办公室office,an后面用单数,故填office。
knock on, play  a trick on, get together, make pumpkin lanterns, know about
A: What do you ________ Halloween?
B: It's on October 31.
A: Yes. But do you know what people do on that day?
B: Of course. They ________ and dress up.
A: I hear that children love Halloween best.
B: Yes. Because they can play a game called "trick or treat" then.
A: How do they do that?
B: They paint their faces, ________ their neighbours' doors and shout "trick or treat". If people don't give them any candy, they usually ________ them.
A: That's really interesting. Do people have a party on Halloween?
B: Yes, usually in the evening. People ________ and enjoy nice food.   
【答案】 know about;make pumpkin lanterns;knock on;play a trick on;get together