1.—Here _____ some orange juice for you. (   )
—Thank you.
A.are    B.is    C.am
2.This is my cousin. _______ a thin boy. _______ eyes are big. (     )
A.He’s; He’s    B.He’s; His    C.His; His
3.library的复数This is my brother.  ______ name is Tim. ______ short.     (      )
A.His; He    B.His; He’s    C.He’s; He’s
4.______ animals are cute. (   )
A.This    B.these    C.These
5.—Can you make a toy? (   )
—Yes, ______.
A.I can    B.you can    C.I can’t
6.在My little dog has an orange bag.中与girl划线部分发音不同的选项是 ______. (   )
A.dog    B.orange    C.bag
7.—What would you like? (   )
—I’d like some ________.
A.pineapple    B.fish    C.cherry
8.The cat is fat ________ big. (   )
A.or    B.but    C.and
9.I have a ________. I like ________. (     )
A.ball; ball    B.balls; ball    C.ball; balls
10.Would you like ________ noodles? (   )
A.some    B.any    C.this
11.—Look! I can do it now! (    )
A.Thank you.    B.Don’t be sad.    C.Well done.
1: Look at the toy elephant in the shop. (    )   
B: Wow. Its _______ is long.
A.mouth    B.eyes    C.nose
13.—________ are my pencils? (    ) 
—They’re in your pencil case.
A.Who    B.What    C.Where
14.—A hamburger and a glass of cola, please. (    )       
A.Thank you.    B.OK. Here you are.    C.Yes, please.
15.—What are ________ in the big tree? (    )
—They’re cats.
A.this    B.those    C.that
16.They’d like five ________ (glass) of juice.
17.Mike’s eyes are big, but ________ (he) mouth is small.
18.What colour are Jim’s toy lion’s ______ (eye)?
19.Look at my doll. Her ears _____ (be) small.
20.What about an egg and two ________ (sandwich)?
21.Here are two _____ (glass) of _____ (milk).
22.I can't jump. My brother can't jump _________ (too).
23.How many _____ (library) do you have in the school?
24.—How many _____ (robot) do you have?
—I have one _____ (robot).
25.—_____ (She's / Her) a beautiful girl.
—_____ (She's / Her) eyes _____ (is / are) big.
26.Look at ________ (this) horses.
27.I don't like ice cream _____ (too).
28.Yang Ling can dance _____ (good).
29._____ (she) is short. _____ (she) hair is long.
30.—What about ___________ (some) tea?
—No, ___________ (thank).
31.There are ______ (二十) cars.
32.My father can play f________ well.
33.They _______________ (会游泳和溜冰) in winter.
34.I have two ________.
35.—Can your brother ______?
Yes, he can.
A: Welcome to my snack bar. _______ I help you?
B: Two hamburgers and a _______ of coffee, please. How much are they?
A: _______ yuan, please.
B: Here you are.
A: Thank you.
37.Look at the funny __________.
38.The man is not tall. He is s__________ and f__________ .
39.Look at our doll. Her e__________are big. Her n__________is small.
40.A: Look at this dog. His ________ are big.
B: His tail is ________.
Today is Mary’s birthday. She gets some gifts from her family members. She likes the gifts.
Honey! Here’s a doll (玩偶) for you. Look! She has long black hair and big eyes. She can sing birthday songs. Do you like her?—Mom
Hello! Mary! Here is a gift for you. It’s a giraffe schoolbag. It’s yellow and brown. You can put many books in it.—Dad
My dear Mary! Happy birthday! Here is a doll house for you. You can see a bathroom, a kitchen, a study and two bedrooms. —Sister
41、Mary gets a doll from her ______. (    )A.father    B.mother    C.sister
42、The doll has ______. (    )
A.short black hair    B.a pink hat    C.big eyes
43、What colour is the schoolbag? (    )
A.Yellow and blue.    B.Brown and white.    C.Yellow and brown.
44、How many rooms are there in the doll house? (    )
A.3    B.4    C.5
45、How does Mary feel (感受) today?  (    )
A.    B.    C.
A: Hello, Martin. Can you swim?
B: Yes, I do. What about you, Eddie?
A: Me too. I learned how to swim last month (上个). I can swim well. Let’s have a race (比赛).
B: OK.
C: Eddie, 47 seconds (秒). Martin, 32 seconds. Come on, Eddie. Martin started swimming at the age of three. Don’t teach a fish how to swim.
46、Where are Martin and Eddie now? (    )
A.In the playground.    B.In the classroom.    C.In the swimming pool.
47、Who can swim? (    )
A.Eddie.    B.Martin.    C.Eddie and Martin.
48、When does Martin start swimming? (    )
A.At the age of three.    B.Last month.    C.Last year.
49、Who wins (赢) the race? (    )
A.Eddie.    B.Martin    C.I don’t know.
50、What does the underline sentence (划线句子) mean in the story? (    )
A.学一条鱼游泳    B.班门弄斧    C.如鱼得水
This is my classroom. It's very big. The wall is white. You can see a teacher's desk, a computer, four pictures, five windows, six lights and six fans. The computer is black. It's o
n the teacher's desk. The pictures are on the wall. Look at the lights. They are green. And the fans are white. You can see many desks and chairs. They are blue. I love my classroom. It's clean and beautiful.