1.—_______ crayons would you like? (     )
—Seventeen, please.
A.How many    B.How much    C.How long
2.This is my brother.  ______ name is Tim. ______ short.     (      )
A.His; He    B.His; He’s    C.He’s; He’s
3.______ animals are cute. (   )
A.This    B.these    C.These
4.—What ______ you like? (   )
—I’d like some pies.
A.are    B.would    C.do
5.—Look at my new toy cat. (   )
A.It’s cute.    B.Yes, it is.    C.They’re cute.
6.These _______ are _______ my sister.
A.mango, for    B.mangoes, for    C.mangoes, to
7.—________ you play football well? (   )
—No, I _______.
A.Can, can't    B.Do, can't    C.Can, can
8.—Do you like ____________? (   )
—Yes, I do.
A.dogs    B.dog    C.a dog
9.My ruler is long, but your ruler is _________.  (   )
A.long    B.short    C.tall
10.—I’m hot, Liu Tao. (    )
—OK! Here’s a ______ for you.
A.fan    B.hot dog    C.toy
11.—__________?  (    )
—I'm hungry.
A.Are you hungry    B.How are you    C.Who are you
12.—I'd like an ice cream. (    )
A.No, thanks    B.Me too    C.Yes, please
13.—What _____ you? (    )
—I’d like a hot dog.
A.would    B.would like    C.about
14.His nose is small, ______ his mouth is big. (    )
A.but    B.and    C.But
15.—Who’s the man with ______ hair? (    )
—He’s my ______.
A.long; aunt    B.short; uncle    C.short; aunt
16.—What _____ (would) you like?
—I’d like two _____ (sandwich) and two cups of coffee, please.
17.I don’t have ________ (some) oranges.
18.What colour are Jim’s toy lion’s ______ (eye)?
19.Tina just would like two ______ (glass) of juice and some cakes.
20.This is _________ (we) fruit salad.
21.—How many toy ________ (lion) do you have? 
22.—Do you have _____ (some) stickers?
—Yes, I have _____(some).
23.How many _____ (mango) do you have?
24.I'd like some _________ (rice) for dinner.
25.He would like _____ (have) lunch with _____ (you).
26.I'd like three cups of _____ (coffee).
27.How many _____ (library) do you have in the school?
28.—What colour do you like?
—I like _____ (brown).
29.I'd like some ______ (fish) for lunch.
30.Where ________ (is) my shoes?
3: Can you s______? (游泳)
B: No. But I can s______ and j______. (溜冰和跳跃)
32._____ (she) hair is long. _____ (he) hair is short.
33.—How m________ are they? 
—Thirteen yuan.
34.They _______________ (会游泳和溜冰) in winter.
35.I’d like some ______ for lunch.
36.These  ________ are for the funny boy.
37.I have three ______.
38.—Look at the w_________.—She is very t_________.
39.library的复数A: I can _______. Can you?
B: No, I can’t. But I can play _______. Look!
A: Well _______ (好样的)!
—_____ else?
—Two apple pies and a fruit.
This is Jane's room. I can see a desk, a bed and some chairs in it. There's a computer and some storybooks on the desk. I can see a toy bear and two dolls on the bed. I can see a puzzles on the chair. Joan is in the room now. Her mother and father are in their factory (工厂). They work hard.
41、Jane's parents are both ______. (    )
A.in the room    B.in the factory    C.at school
42、There is ______ in the room. (    )
A.a bed, a desk and some chairs    B.a bed, a table and a chair
C.a bed, a table and some chairs
43、I can see a desk, a bed and some chairs in it. 句中it指的是 ______. (    )
A.Jane    B.the room    C.computer
44、What's on the chair? (    )
A.A computer and some storybooks.    B.A toy bear and two dolls.    C.A puzzles.
45、“work hard”意思是 ______。(    )
A.在做饭    B.工作努力    C.爱自己的家庭
Hello! I'm Wu Yifan. This is my living room. My books are on the sofa, and my pens are on the fridge. My bag is under the table, and my glasses are near the phone. Where are my keys? Can you find them?
46、This is ________ living room. (    )
A.Zhang Peng's    B.Wu Yifan's    C.Mike's
47、The books are ________. (    )
A.on the sofa    B.on the table    C.near the phone
48、The pens are ________. (    )
A.under the table    B.on the fridge    C.near the phone
49、The bag is ________. (    )
A.on the table    B.near the table    C.under the table
50、The glasses are ________. (    )
A.near the phone    B.under the table    C.on the sofa
I have a new schoolbag. It’s blue and white. It has a nice picture on it. In the bag, there are some books. I have a pencil-box, too. What’s in my pencil-box? I’ve got some pencils. They’re green. I like my rubber, it's orange and it's from (来自) my mother. I like my nice bag.