o you like _________? (   )
A.cat    B.this cats    C.it
2.—How many _______ do you have? (   )
—I have one.
A.toy cars    B.toys cars    C.toy car
3.—How many _____ do you have? (   ) 
—_____. It’s green.
A.pears; Three    B.pears; Only one    C.pear; One
4.—Mum, I’m hot. I’d like _______. (   )
—OK. Here you are.
A.a sweet    B.a glass of water    C.some umbrella
5.在My little dog has an orange bag.中与girl划线部分发音不同的选项是 ______. (   )
A.dog    B.orange    C.bag
6.—Do you have ______ toys? (   )
—No, ______.
A.any; I do    B.some; I don’t    C.any; I don’t
7.—________ are you? (   )
—I’m ten years old.
A.How many    B.How old    C.How much
8.—What ________ you like? (   )
—I'd like a cup _______ coffee.
A.do; of    B.would; for    C.would; of
9.—____________? (    )
—I’d like a white skirt for my doll.
A.What are you    B.Where are you    C.Can I help you
10.—_____ you like _____ cakes? (    )
—Yes, please.
A.Would; any    B.Do; any    C.Would; some
1: Dad, I’m hungry. (    )                   
B: Let’s go to _______.
A.the farm    B.the snack bar    C.the park
12.--Whose classroom is this? (    )
--It’s__________ classroom.
A.we    B.us    C.our
13.---          footballs do you have?  (   )
A.How nice    B.How much    C.How many
14.I can’t find my books. Where ______? (    )
A.is it    B.are they    C.are you
15.—Nancy can’t play basketball. (    )
—I can’t play ________.
A.to    B.too    C.either
16.—Do you have _____ (some) clocks in the kitchen?
—Yes, we do. We have two big _____ (fridge) too.
17.—Helen can _____ (play) table tennis. Can you?
—Yes, I can. I can play it very_____ (good).
18.Let’ s make some ________ (pineapple) salads.
19.Mike’s eyes are big, but ________ (he) mouth is small.
20.—Can you swim?
—No, but I can ________. (skate)
21.I don’t have ________ (some) oranges.
22.He's tall. _________ (he) eyes are big.
23.Look at my doll. Her ears _____ (be) small.
24.—How many toy ________ (lion) do you have? 
25.I like ________ (monkey). They’re cute.
26.Here ________ (be) some rice for you.
27.I can't jump. My brother can't jump _________ (too).
28.How many _____ (library) do you have in the school?
29._____ (this) socks _____ (be) very nice.
30.He is a _____ boy. He can swim very _____ (good).
31.Her ________ (眼睛) are big.
32.Her _____ are big.
33.Would you like some ________ (三明治)?
3on’t talk. I can see a _____ under the tree.
35.—Can your brother ______?
—Yes, he can.
36.I have a doll. Her ______ are big.
37.Mr. Green is hungry, He would like some r______.
38.I have two ______. They’re cute.
39.Shh! Don't talk. There's a __________ under the tree.
A: Can you play ___________ ___________?
B: No, I can’t.
A: ___________ a ___________, please.
B: Yeah! I can do it.
Hello! I'm Billy. I'm a student. I have a big and happy family. My grandmother has short white hair. She looks very nice. My grandfather has short white hair, too. He's very kind. My father has short black hair and small eyes. He is a little fat. He works in a hospital. He is a doctor. My mother works in a school. She is an English teacher. She likes sports. My baby sister is very cute. Her name is Sue. I love my family.
41、How many people are there in the family? (    )
A.Two    B.Six    C.Five
42、Who has short white hair? (    )
A.Grandparents    B.Father    C.Grandmother
43、What's the baby sister's name? (    )
A.Sue    B.Billy    C.Amy
44、What's the mother's job? (    )
A.A doctor    B.A teacher    C.A nurse
45、He works in a hospital. Here, “hospital” means (意思是). (    )
A.学校    B.农场    C.医院
(It’s six o’clock in the evening. Sarah and her mother are in a restaurant.)
Waiter: Welcome! What would you like for dinner?
Mum: I’d like some rice and fish. Would you like some beef, Sarah?
Sarah: No, thanks. I’d like some chicken.
Waiter: Sorry, we don’t have chicken today. Here are today’s specials. Would you like some noodles and soup?
Sarah: Yes, please.Can I have a knife and fork?
Mum: Oh, Sarah, we are in China. Try chopsticks for noodles.
Sarah: OK, mum. I will try.
46、How many people are there in the dialogue(对话)? (   )
A.Two.    B.Three.    C.Four.
47、Where are they? (   )
A.At home.    B.In the classroom.    C.In a restaurant.
48、What would Mum like to eat? (   )
A.Rice and chicken.    B.Fish and rice.    C.Noodles.
49、_______ is today’s special. (   )