HR Manager Job Description
1. 执行公司人力资源的总体规划和相关规章制度(包括员工手册、劳动合同)的制订监督、执行;
Develop, implement and monitor the HR Overall Planning and Regulations, including Employee handbook and labor contracts.
2. 执行公司员工的招聘、录用、离职工作;
Direct the recruitment, employment, and admission.
3. 执行公司员工薪酬管理、制订、监督、执行;
Develop, implement and monitor the execution of company salary structure and policy.
4. 执行员工教育培训工作制订、监督、执行;
用人之道Develop, implement and monitor the execution of employee training.
5. 执行员工职称、资格评定工作;
Responsible for evaluating and assessing employee qualification and performance
6. 执行员工考勤管理制订、监督、执行;
Develop the policy and monitor the management of employee daily attendance.
7. 组织制订公司各部门职责、各岗位的岗位职责;
Organize the activities of defining department function and establish job description for each position.
8. 执行处理员工与公司劳动争议相关事宜;
Responsible for solving labor disputes and associated legal issue
9. 员工档案管理:整理与保管好员工个人信息、劳动聘用合同、考核记录、晋升降职等情况资料,考证个人人事资料真实性;
Employee data management: sort and keep all employee data including personal information, labor contract, performance evaluation records; ensure the accurate and authenticity of the personnel files.
10. 执行保密制度监督、执行;
Enforce and monitor the execution of non-disclosure/confidential regulation.
11. 监督派遣公司办理员工四金缴纳;
Monitor the HR agency; ensure all employee social welfare are paid according to the law.
12. 监督派遣公司办理外地员工就业证、暂住证、居住证、人才引进等相关人力资源手续。
Monitor the HR agency transact the procedures of applying work permit, temporary resident permit, resident permit,
13. 按时保质的完成上级交办的其他任务。
Finish the assigned task on time.
1 .Minimum five years of experience of HR
2. With strong sense of responsibility, be fair, mature, organized and hold on principle.
3. Good human relations ability, be professional in handling interpersonal relationship, and doing ideological work.
4. Fair, not self-seeking and with initiative on work
5. Good knowledge of the Country labor law/regulations and local HR practices and policies
6. Be loyal to the job, keep company confidential information.
7. Good both written and spoken language expression ability
8. Strong in employee motivation, good at identify and give proper training to capable person. Good knowledge of psychology and personnel placement.