Introduction 自我介绍
1.I am a student. 我是一个学生。
2.He is my father. 他是我父亲。
3.This is my father. 这是我的父亲。
4.May I introduce Mr.Tang? 我可以介绍一下唐先生吗?
5.Allow me to introduce Mr. Smith to you. 请允许我把史密斯先生介绍给您。
6.How do you do? 你好啊?
7.I hope we shall get to know each other better. 我希望我们能更好地了解对方。
8.I shall go to the US.  我将去美国上大学
9.I’m sure we will (get to know each other better). 我肯定我们会的 
10.How long are you going to stay here?  您准备在这儿待多久?
11.Can I introduce Mr. Tang?  我能介绍一下唐先生吗?
Greeting 问候
12. How are you?  你怎么样呀?                     
  I’m fine.  我很好。 
13. Nice to meet you.  见到你很高兴!
14. I haven’t seen you for a while. 我有一段时间没看见你了。
15. Where are you going?  您要去哪儿?
16. I guess you are hungry.  我猜你饿了。
17. I’d better let you go to get some supper. 我最好让你去吃点晚餐。
18. Enjoy the day. 我最好让你去吃点晚餐。
Addressing 称谓
19. I’d like to introduce Mr. Lee.劳动公园 我想介绍一下李先生。
20. Are you the dean?  您是院长吗?
21. What do you do? 您的工作是什么?
22. My father has a company. 我爸爸有一家公司。
23. He comes from Madrid. 他来自马德里。
24. What are you reading? 你在读什么呢?
25. Could you lend me this book after you finish it?你看完这本书后能借给我吗?
Season 季节
26. Which is the best season in Taiwan? 台湾最好的季节是哪个?
27. I like fall best of all seasons. 在所有的季节中我最喜欢秋天。
28. How is the weather in Sichuan in spring?四川冬天的天气怎么样?
29. My vacation is in winter. 我的假期在冬天。
30. Why are you so late? Because I have a traffic jam. 你为什么迟到了?因为我堵车了。
31. What do you usually do in fall? 你通常在秋天会做些什么?
32. Winter is better than summer. 冬天比夏天好。
Date 日期
33. What day is it today? 今天星期几?
34. What’s the date today, do you know? 你知道今天是几号吗?
35. When were you born? 您是什么时候出生的?
36. I’m happy today.我今天很高兴。
37. At least one thing I didn’t forget. 至少我有一件事没有忘记。
Time 时间
38. What time is it? 几点了?
39. I’m pressed for time. 我很赶时间。
Weather 天气
40. I like bright summer.我喜欢晴朗的夏天。
41. That’s the sign of wind. 那是刮风的预兆。
42. Everything looks so fresh after the rain. 下雨后一切看起来都很新鲜。
43. What a lovely day! 真是好天气啊!
44. This summer is too rainy for me. 今年的夏天对我来说雨水太多了。
Telephone Conversation 电话交流
45. 7899 6443 who’s calling, please? 这是7899 6443,请问哪位打的电话?
46. I’d like to talk to Helen Taylor, please. 我想和海伦谈谈(我海伦)。
47. I’m sorry, but Ms. Taylor is out of town until Friday. 很抱歉,但是泰勒夫人出城去了,直到周五都不会回来。
48. Is there anyone else who can help you? 有其他人能帮助你吗?
49. What else do you want? 您还想要点其他什么吗?
50. I really have to talk to her. 我真的不得不跟她谈一谈。
51. Would you care to leave a message?你要留张条吗?
Bus 乘车
52. Can I get to Labor Park on this bus? 我坐这辆车能到劳动公园吗?
53. Does this bus go to Park Avenue? 这辆巴士去林荫大道吗?
54. How much is the fare to the next stop? 去下一站多少钱?
55. May I sit here? 我可以坐在这儿吗?
56. Yes, get in, madam. 是的,上车吧,女士。
57. I’m going to Park Avenue. 我要去林荫大道。
58. I’ll let you off when we get there. 当我们到那里的时候我会让你下的。