When I read Maggie's gifts as a child, I thought it was just a couple giving each other gifts. Now read again, and finally caught that they abandoned their most precious things in order to buy each other gifts. This is rare, the article praises the spirit of dedication and pure and beautiful love. The author's literary talent is very good, and his ability to tell stories is very strong. His characteristic is that he always gives readers an unexpected and reasonable ending at the end. The couple in this article, though poor, have a full spiritual world. Because they know that love lies in giving, not in taking. So, they are happy.
In this way, we not only experience the cleverness from it, but also draw the author's perception of life and understanding of life, which gives us a big surprise. This surprise is to tell us that real love is not on the lips every day, but to treat each other with sincerity, to make practical actions, no matter poverty, disease, old or dead, to get along with each other with a sincerity, which is the most important!
Sincere feelings are priceless. If you give your heart, you will have a sincere return. Only when you have true feelings can you get real happiness. You know, there is no direct relationship between happiness and money!
My first feeling after seeing O. Henry's works is humor, which is also the main artistic feature of his works. His humorous style and connotation, through the subtle design of the plot and the structure of the text, produce a kind of humor which is not without bitterness to the social life. Humorous language attracts readers' reading and enables them to read deeply to understand the beauty and ugliness behind humorous language! The protagonist of O. Henry's novels is part of the working people who are poor at the bottom of the society and part of the aristocrats at the top of the society. This shows the two poles of the rich and the poor in front of everyone. He is moved by the kindness and simplicity of the working people and hates the luxury and cunning of the aristocrats! We must also admit that O. Henry's life experience determines the direction and thought of the novel.
Reading this novel inspired me as a lyric describes: "as long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world."