Our new pet is a chicken-a rutinous chicken.It also has the name"mini chicken"because it is the smallest chicken in the world.
Rutin chickens come in three colors,primary,maroon and white.Because I think snowy white chickens are very pretty,so I chose the chicks are white.
Rudding chickens are very timid,if you go to scare it,it will jump up,and may therefore knock the cage,knock the head will die,so we can not go to scare it.
读书有关的名言警句Rudding hens can start laying eggs 45 days after birth,one at a time,and more than 300 eggs a year.Hens can also lay eggs without a rooster,but the eggs laid will not hatch chicks.I feed the chicks every day so that they can lay eggs for me every day.They love to eat the feed and keep eating all day long.
I love my chicks.They are so cute and pretty,jumping around and pecking in their cages,trying to find something to eat.Let the chickens grow up happily with me!