1. What season is the Lantern Festival? (元宵节是哪个季节?)
2. When is the Lantern Festival? (元宵节是什么时候?)
3. What do people usually do on the Lantern Festival? (在元宵节,人们通常会做什么?)
4. What is the color of the Lantern Festival? (元宵节的象征是什么?)
5. What does the Lantern Festival mean? (元宵节的意义是什么?)
6. Who has a special day of the Lantern Festival? (谁在元宵节有一个特别的日子?)
7. What is the traditional food of the Lantern Festival? (元宵节的传统食物是什么?)
8. What does the lantern mean in the Lantern Festival? (元宵节的灯笼意义是什么?)
9. What is the custom of the Lantern Festival? (元宵节的习俗是什么?)
10. What is the origin of the Lantern Festival? (元宵节的起源是什么?)