The old prefecture of Yuzhang, the new capital of Hongdu. The stars divide at the Wing and Zhen, the land connects with Heng and Lu. With three rivers at its bosom and five lakes at its waist, it commands the wild Jing and leads the Ou Yue. The land is rich in natural treasures, the dragon's radiance shines on the ruins of the Niu and Dou; the people are outstanding, the land is full of spirit, Xu Ru descended from Chen Fan's couch. The powerful state is shrouded in mist, the outstanding talents shine like stars. The city walls rest on the border between Yi and Xia, the guests and hosts are all beautiful in the southea
st. Governor Yan has a refined reputation, his halberd remotely overlooks; Prefect Yu has exemplary manners, his curtains temporarily reside. On the tenth day of the holiday, victorious friends gather like clouds; welcoming from a thousand miles, noble guests fill the hall. The dragons rise and phoenixes take flight, the scholarly master Meng leads in poetry; purple lightning and blue frost, General Wang's arsenal of martial arts. My father is a magistrate, passing through a famous region on his way; what does a child know, personally encountering such a magnificent farewell banquet.