    高中会考英语作文范文 高中会考英语作文范文篇1 Shan Zhai products are famous, it means the fake products. Some people like Shan Zhai products because they can buy them at the very low price. Actually, most people hate the fake products, for they want to buy the real ones, no matter how much money they need to pay. Fake products do harm to people, one the one hand, they waste people’s money. People are willing to spend money to buy the brand products, but when they find they use the money to buy the Shan Zhai products, how angry they are. It is unfair to them. On the other hand, some fake products will kill people. Take the medicine for example. If the customers eat the fake medicine, then their bodies will not be healthy, even kill their lives. So we must pay attention to the products when we buy them. 山寨产品很出名,那意味着伪劣产品。一些人喜欢山寨产品,因为他 们能够以很低的价格来买到。实际上,大部分人讨厌山寨产品,因为他们想要买 到真正的产品,无论需要花多少钱。伪劣产品确实对人们造成了伤害,一方面, 它们浪费了人
们的钱。人们愿意花钱来买牌子的产品,但是当他们发现用花钱买 到的是山寨产品,是多么的生气啊。这对他们是不公平的。另一方面,伪劣产品 会使人丧命。就拿药来说。如果顾客吃到假药,他们的身体就会不健康,甚至丢 掉性命。因此我们在买东西的时候必须当心点。
    高中会考英语作文范文篇2 I always have many thoughts in my mind, like I will finish my homework quickly and then go out for fun, but the truth is that I will not finish it until the last minute. Yesterday, my uncle came to visit my parents, he just finished his trip in Vietnam. My uncle is my hero, he has traveled many places and I dream to be a man like him. I asked my uncle how he prepared for his trip, he said he just booked the ticket and the hotel and scanned the tourist information, then he would to there without hesitation. He said most people had planned a lot, but in the end, they would miss the trip and then gave up. Actually, action works much better than thoughts, because only when you face the problem, you will know how to fix. 在我的脑海里总是有许多想法,比如我会很快完成作业,然后出去玩, 但事实是,我直到最后一刻才会完成。昨天,我的叔叔来看望我的父母,他最近完成 了在越南的旅行。叔叔是我的英雄,他走了很多地方,我梦想成为像他这样的人。
    我问叔叔他如何准备他的旅行,他说他只是预定了机票和酒店,扫描下旅游信息, 然后就会毫不犹豫出发了。他说大多数人计划很多,但最后,他们会错过旅行,然后 放弃了。事实上,行动比想法更加有效,因为只有当你面对问题时,你才会知道如何 解决。高中会考英语作文范文篇3 As the saying that it is never too late to learn, people are advocated to learn all their lives. Today the world is changing fast, if we get satisfied and stop to improve ourselves, then we will be kicked out soon, so self-improvement are in need of. Reading is the most effective way to get improved. Books provide us all kinds of knowledge, we can know better about the world and make ourselves the smart persons. Another way is to go to the gym. Doing exercise not only makes us look perfect, but also helps us live the healthy lifestyle. So many people work in the office and don’t have the time to exercise, so they get sick easily. Only the strong body can make people live well. Reading and taking exercise are the best ways to get self-improvement, it also cost less. 俗话说活到老学到老,人们提倡终身学习。今天世界变化得很快,如果 我们因为满足而去停止提高自己,那么我们很快就会被淘汰,所以自我增值是迫在 眉睫。阅读是增值的最有效方式。书给我们提供了各种各样的知识,使得我们可 以更好的了解世界,让自己成为聪明的人。另一种方法是
去健身,锻炼不仅让我们 看起来完美,同时也帮助我们拥有健康的生活方式。很多人在办公室工作,没有时 间运动,所以他们很容易生病。只有强壮的身体可以让人过得好。阅读和锻炼是 自我增值最好的方法,也是最便宜得方式。