如何制定自己的学习计划(How to make your own study plan)Make your own study plan
Unlike face-to-face courses, distance learning is not confined to the classroom learning environment to learn, so you can have your own learning style, can learn at their own pace, can also choose the right time and place to study. While distance learning has great flexibility, you still need to know that you are an independent, self responsible learner. Maybe some courses will provide learning schedule for your reference, but each learner is best to arrange his own learning schedule according to his own situation and his own needs. A good beginning is half the battle, and most people with remote learning experience say a system
A thorough and flexible study plan is an important factor to ensure the success of study.
Now let's start developing our own learning plan:
1, determine minimum credits for graduation requirements. According to the implementation of the school teaching plan, the public courses, required courses and practical links are listed one by one, and calculate the sum of their credits.
2, to determine the length of schooling. According to their actual situation, estimate how many semesters they need to finish their studies.
3, looking at what you need to learn how much time per week.
4 and then count how much spare time you have available.
5. Schedule all courses by semester (include required courses, public courses and concentrated practice).
A schedule for your study has taken shape, but that doesn't mean it can be applied right away. You may need to make some adjustments.
How much time do you really need to study? How long can you guarantee the time? The exact answer to these two questions requires consideration of many factors. For example, the subjects offered each semester, your ability, your work and learning speed, your past study experience, etc.. Similarly, the time spent in learning a course varies from person to person. If someone already has the knowledge required to learn the course, he will spend much less time in the course. So before you take an elective course, you'd better make sure you have some information about the course, or take a look at the course material to determine whether you are qualified for this level of learning. Generally speaking, a well-designed courseware for distance instruction usually suggests to students how long it takes to take the course. Peking University School of business courses for most of 4 cred
its for each course, need 54 hours to complete, if every semester teaching time of 18 weeks, the creation of 3 ~ 5 courses, courses only learn these courses will need 162 to 270 hours. Each lesson learning courses except watch 1 hours, the other takes about 1 hours of time to preview and review homework, etc., that is to say each semester needs 324 to 540 hours of learning, to learn at least 18 to 30 hours a week. If you want to take a few courses, it must be in
the existing schedule within a week have enough time to learn.
In order to better implement the learning plan, more regular and more efficient learning, based on a study plan in the semester may wish to develop a month learning plan and weekly study plan, excluding factors that may make you have to interrupt learning. Unless you really have to, don't change your learning plan easily, otherwise your study will become passive and can not complete the task of learning. Usually to work for imprisoned learners, it is recommended that you do not only for a week or two days of learning plan, one hour learning every day, usually a day of continuous learning is better than concentration effect seven hours more. The objective conditions for daily life and work caused by the lack of regular people, learning plan flexibility is very important in advance must have a plan, arrangement, to complement the occupied learning time.
Well, what's left is to study strictly according to the schedule. Don't neglect your study plan. Don't always feel that you don't study today. You'll have to make up for it tomorrow. You know, the plan hasn't changed quickly,
There's bound to be something else to do tomorrow. In order to study regularly, stick to your plan; don't let anything hit your need for learning and progress. Strict adherence to the study plan has many advantages:
1, the study schedule can help you overcome inertia and burnout, especially when it fits into a self reward system.
2, if you can step by step, step by step to complete your study, then learning will not bring you too much pressure.
3, the study schedule ensures that you don't waste time and have time for other things to do.
4, the study schedule will help you understand your progress and make sure you know exactly what to do. You can also help yourself evaluate your previous studies.
Any study plan has just been put into practice, and it's hard to come across some difficulties, but you
should know that it's worth the effort to carry out the plan. Being able to adapt to this program is an important step in ensuring your distance learning and future career success.
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Make your own study plan
Unlike face-to-face courses, distance learning is not confined to the classroom learning environment to learn, so you can have your own learning style, can learn at their own pace, can also choose the right time and place to study. While distance learning has great flexibility, you still need to know that you are an independent, self responsible learner. Maybe some courses will provide learning schedule for your reference, but each learner is best to arrange his own learning schedule according to his own situation and his own needs. A good beginning is half the battle, and most people with remote learning experience say a system
A thorough and flexible study plan is an important factor to ensure the success of study.
Now let's start developing our own learning plan:
1, determine minimum credits for graduation requirements. According to the implementation of the sc
hool teaching plan, the public courses, required courses and practical links are listed one by one, and calculate the sum of their credits.
2, to determine the length of schooling. According to their actual situation, estimate how many semesters they need to finish their studies.
3, looking at what you need to learn how much time per week.
4 and then count how much spare time you have available.
5. Schedule all courses by semester (include required courses, public courses and concentrated practice).
A schedule for your study has taken shape, but that doesn't mean it can be applied right away. You may need to make some adjustments.
How much time do you really need to study? How long can you guarantee the time? The exact answer to these two questions requires consideration of many factors. For example, the subjects offered each semester, your ability, your work and learning speed, your past study experience, etc.. Similarly,