improper expressions:
1. spring festival
2. for there is a long time    , we have to
3. this phenomenon results in the doubt that whether
christmas will replace
4.traditional festivals should be paid more attention than foreign festivals.
5.we exchange , which results in more and more people get interested in foreign festivals.
6.the question that whether christmas will replace the spring festival leads to a heated
discussion in society.
7.there are many people in the western countries celebrate the spring festival.
proper and good expressions:
1.with the tendency towards globalization
2.the spring festival should be passed on from generation to generation
3.it seems that some traditional festivals like the spring festival are gradually overshadowed
by christmas.
4.globalization has encouraged the popularity of christmas in chinese.
5.the spring festival is an apparent symbol of chinese culture which is engraved in every
chinese s mind.
6.cultural heritage
7. learning their culture is a must    . we learn english in order
to make more people learn
8.festival celebrating has been globalized
9.some people suspect that the obsession with christmas will lead us to neglect another
traditional festival--- the spring festival.
10. observing christmas doesn    t mean abandoning the spring

11.the spring festival is more than a festival
12.an exotic festival
13.chinese are celebrating some western festivals, and vice versa.
14.some most celebrated festivals in our country are the essence of our long history and rich
15.currently, the word christmas has evolved into a symbol of happiness and gifts.
16.people tend to have an increasing liking for observing western festivals
17.in the circumstances of globalization modal
in the course of globalization, western culture has flooded into china at an almost non-stop rate. along with it come western festivals, the most influential of which is christmas. as a result
of this
妈咪日记“ culture invasion
, more and more chinese people,
particularly the youth, are abandoning traditional chinese
festivals. there is even a prediction that the spring festival will
ultimately be replaced by christmas. however, personally i
not in favor of this statement, as the spring festival is a kind of
cultural heritage serving as a spiritual legacy for all of us to
cling to, regardless of any hindrance.
first of all, observing christmas does not mean that the spring
festival can be neglected. the spring festival has its
roots in chinese history, from which it requires its identity and
meaning irreplaceable by christmas. as christmas stemmed
from western civilization, it ca
nt easily fit in
with chinese society, let alone take the place of the spring
secondly, the spring festival expresses our true emotions
while christmas cannot. often, the spring festival arouses a
feeling of eternal harmony, creates a sense of happiness, and
conveys a message of family. however, christmas goes no
further than one night
s pleasure or some fancy presents,
which is surely to fade away with passing tide of time and memory.
渐进性the spring festival is not going to lose its vigor to christmas, as it s just like a warm beacon for all the chinese to gather around to cheer, to dream and to carry on.

中西方传统节日的英语表达:  中国传统节日:
元旦 (1 1 ) new years day
春节 (阴历一月一日  ) spring festival  chinese new years day
3.元宵节 (阴历一月十五日  ) lantern festival
4.妇女节 (3 8 ) womens day
5.清明节 (4 5 ) tomb-sweeping day
6.劳动节 (5 1 ) international labor day
7.端午节 (阴历五月初五  ) dragon boat festival
8.小孩节 (6 1 ) international childrens day
9. 七夕节 (阴历七月初七) double seventh festival chinese valentines day
10.中秋节 (阴历八月十五 ) mid-autumn (moon)festival
11.重阳节 (阴历九月九日 ) double-ninth day
12.教师节 (9 10 ) teachers day
13.国庆节 (10 1 ) national day
14. 大年夜 (阴历十二月三十天    )new years eve    西方传统节日:
1.新年 (1 1 ) new years day
重阳节图片图片大全2.情人节 (2 14 ) valentines day
愚人节 (4 4 ) april fools day
复生节 (春分月圆后的第一个礼拜日
easter day
5.母亲节 (5 月的第二个礼拜日  ) mothers day
清明节英语作文6.父亲节 (6 月的第三个礼拜日  ) fathers day
7.万圣节 (11 1 军训心得200字 ) halloween day
8.感恩节 (11 月的第四个礼拜四  ) thanksgiving day