【篇一:中西方节日文化差异比较 中英文版】
oecd says unemployment will continue to rise
oecd:工业化国家失业率持续攀升 despite reports that many industrialized economies are beginning to
emerge from their worst economic crisis in decades, unemployment is rising and will likely reach a historic peak of nearly 10 percent next year. the findings come from the organization for economic cooperation and development in paris.
indications that unemployment continues to rise is grim news for leaders heading t
酸辣汤的正宗做法o the g-20 summit in the united states next week. the paris-based organization for economic cooperation and development reports unemployment reached its highest level among industrialized nations of 8.5 percent in july.清明节英语作文
oecd unemployment division chief stephan scarpetta says the number of jobless among the oecds 30 member countries is expected to climb even higher next year, to nearly 10 percent. that translates into 57 million people out of work.
经合组织就业分析和政策部主任斯蒂芬.斯卡皮塔(stephan scarpetta)指出,经合组织30个成员国中的失业人数预计在明年将进一步攀升,达到接近10%的水平。也就是说,工业化国家总共会有5千7百万人失去工作。
unfortunately, despite the most recent indicators that suggest the
[economic] recovery may be in sight somewhat earlier than we were
expecting only a few months ago, it will take far [longer] for the recovery to materialize in terms of significant improvement in the labor market, he said.
the united states, spain and ireland are among those countries with the fastest rising unemployment. all three were affected by the collapse of high housing prices. the damage spread to other sectors of the economy.美国、西班牙和爱尔兰是oecd成员中失业率上升最快的国家。这三个国家都受到高昂的房地产价格暴跌的影响。而且房地产市场崩溃所造成的破坏扩散到了经济的其他领域。酶高是怎么回事
scarpetta says young people are among the hardest hit. in spain, for example, more than one in three young workers are unemployed.
so as world leaders discuss the financial and economic crisis during their meeting in pittsburgh, pennsylvania, scarpetta says it is important they also address the social dimensions of the crisis - like unemployment.他说,当世界领袖们在宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡开会讨论金融和经济危机的时候,至关重要的是,他们需要关注这次危机对社会的影响,尤其是失业问题。
the good news is that countries have already acted quite quickly and decisively, i would say, he said. part of the stimulus packages have been additional resources for labor markets and social policies.“好消息是:各国已经迅速和果断地采取了行动。他们经济刺激计划的一部分就是在劳工市场和社会政策方面提供更多的资源。”
电脑品牌排行榜 but efforts by governments to extend and prolong unemployment
benefits, and to offer more job counseling and training have not kept up with the rising numbers of jobless. scarpetta says that means countries will need to target t
heir resources more selectively and to ensure that the most vulnerable members of the labor force benefit.
a holiday of a nation represents a glorious culture and concentrated customs of a nation.
传统的民族节日形成是一个民族的历史文化的长期积淀。节日的由来原因与人们的生活有密切的联系, 它体现了人民丰富的情感世界, 寄托了人民对生活的热爱。有这样一句名言: “每个民族的每个节日, 正是反映这个民族文化最真实的一面”。可见, 要了解一个民族的文化底蕴,必须从他们的传统节日入手, 才能了解到他们的文化特与民族特点。
there is a great difference in culture between china and western countries, the truth of which is self-evident, for example, language, education, festival, and so on. no one can deny it. therefore, i choose this topic to study. “a holiday of a nation represents a glorious culture and concentrated customs of a nation.”there are many festival in the world, but a lot of people don’t know any festivals of them, and in the same country, different festivals have different meanings and even the same festival in different countries is celebrated in their own ways. through contrastive analysis of chinese and western festivals, it is interesting to understand the unique charm and the cultural implication of their holiday culture.
中国长期以来处于封建自给自足的农业社会和自然经济中, 其传统节日具有浓厚的农业彩,包含了农耕文明的社会特征,主要是从岁时节令转换而来的。我国古代长期以农为本, 在生产力和农业技术不发达的情况下,十分重视气候对农作物的影响。在春种、夏长、秋收、冬藏的过程中认识了自然时序的复杂规律, 总结出四时、二十四节气, 形成了以节日为主的
传统节日。勤劳的中国人民为了更好地生存, 必须大力发展农业, 而农业的发展离不开天气的关照。古人云“春雨贵如油”、“清明忙种麦,谷雨种大田”。在古代, 春节、清明节等都是重要的农事节日。
西方文化由于长久受基督教的影响, 其传统节日起源带有浓厚的宗教彩, 如情人节( 纪念名叫瓦丁的基督教殉难者)、复活节( 基督教纪念耶稣复活)、万圣节( 纪念教会所有圣人)、圣诞节( 基督教纪念耶稣诞生) ,这些节日的起源大多与宗教有关系。当然, 西方节日中也有和农业有关的节日, 但他们以农业为主的节日的历史不如中国漫长。
中国的传统节日, 基本是封建社会时期形成的, 不可避免地留下封建社会的痕迹: 等级制、家族式,节日无不以家族内部活动为中心。西方的传统节日就不同了, 更多的是表现出人们的互动性、集体性和狂欢性, 以自我为中心,崇尚个性张扬。这与中国节日的家族性恰好相反, 体现了西方文化的体性,反映了人们渴望互相交流、体参与的愿望,体现了人人平等、自由表现自我的特点。这里试举两例说明。
( 1) first of all, let’s have an analysis of spring festival in china and christmas day in western countries.
in china, people regard spring festival as a very important holiday, because in the spring, there has been glorious weather with hundreds of flowers struggling colorfully. everything is renewed and its beauty is beyond description. for several millennia chinese people like celebrating the most significant holiday — spring festival. its original meaning is from agriculture. in ancient time, people instituted the paddy growth cycle as the “years”. in the booked titled“shou wen he bu”, there is a saying: “the year, the valley is ripe.”after the victory of 1911 revolution in chinese modern times, the year name has been fixedly gotten down. the nanjing provisional government stipulated to use lunar calendar stin the folk. and in the factory and school, the jan 1 of new year’s day in lunar calendar is called spring festival.