广州旅游【 导语】清明节时雨纷纷,点点哀思满天扬,浊酒一杯洒坟前,滴滴相思传天国,泪流满面孝感天,片片纸钱满天飞,双手合十默祈祷,祝愿先人永安息,在天有灵降福咒,佑我亲朋皆安康!以下是为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。
In my hometown, the Qingming Festival is a grand festival, which needs to do a lot of things and climb a steep mountain to sweep the grave.
According to the custom of our hometown, we must go to the Tomb Sweeping Day. Grandma and mom have to get up at because they have to prepare a lot of things for their ancestors, such as meals for ancestor worship and paper money.
We set out to sweep the grave around 6 o'clock. In fact, it's not far. It's only a 20 minute drive, but we have to drive to the foot of the mountain and climb up to sweep the grave, and this road is very difficult. Because on that day, the whole village will go to the grave, so the road is blocked.
The tombs of their ancestors, such as Madam, father, mother and mother-in-law, are on a mountain. Some places on the mountain are very slippery. Especially in rainy or humid weather, moss still grows on the stone slab, just as it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival. It is always wet and rainy before and after the Qingming Festival.祖国在我心
Once, I slipped while climbing a mountain. Fortunately, my father caught me in the back, or I would roll down. We only come to this mountain once a year, so it is overgrown with weeds. Every time we come, uncle will bring a sharp sickle to open the way. In some places, the branches are so long that they will prick people and hook everyone's clothes. Some big trees still stand in the middle of the road and are difficult to cut. Although the road to the tomb was very difficult, we still delivered the food to our ancestors safely.
Qingming Festival is a very important festival for me, because without my ancestors, there would be no my parents, and there would be no me, so I want to thank my ancestors. I will visit them every year.
As a traditional festival, Qingming Festival is also a day for people to go to graves to worship their ancestors and go outing. Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My grandfather, mother and sister and I went to Jinan to visit my grandfather's grave. My grandfather was buried in a cemetery in Jinan. We got up early, so we drove to Jinan cemetery early in the morning.
Grandpa's tomb is halfway up the mountain. We began to climb the mountain with a sad mood. Our grandparents also brought a lot of food and paper money for ancestor worship. When I passed someone else's tombstone, I found a problem, that is, some names were engraved with red pen, some names were engraved with black pen, or some names were written in gold, and some names were not painted. I think whether women painted their names with red pen or gold pen and men painted their names in black. Later, we asked Grandpa, Only then did I know that the words black and gold represent death, and red or no color represents still alive, but this tomb is a double tomb. Unknowingly, we have come to Grandpa's grave. We first wash grandpa's tombstone, and then put the food we brought, including fruits, snacks and jujubes. I bowed three times to
Grandpa and three times to Grandpa and grandma. I saw my mother's name on Grandpa's tombstone, but not on Grandpa's tombstone. Grandpa, they began to light incense and burn paper. The flames were blazing. Soon the ashes of the paper money rose into the air. It was said that this represented the receipt of the deceased ancestors. We were all immersed in sorrow.
After sweeping the grave, when we went down the mountain, we also found that some tombstones were engraved with crosses. I asked my aunt what was going on. My aunt said that it represented that the deceased believed in Catholicism before he died. She also told me that if everyone had faith, he would not do bad things.
Today, while offering sacrifices to our ancestors, we have also strengthened our physique and learned a lot of knowledge that is not in the textbooks. I think it is very rewarding.
"Another year of fragrant grass green", China's annual traditional festival Qingming Festiv
al has arrived. We Chinese all go back to our hometown to visit tombs, worship and go for an outing.
Do you know the origin of Qingming Festival? Listen carefully if you want! There is a legend about Qingming Festival: it is said that during the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the concubine of Duke Xian of Jin set up a poisonous plan to murder the crown prince Shen Sheng in order to let his son Chong'er succeed to the throne. Shen Sheng was forced to commit suicide. Chong'er escaped from the city for his own safety. At last, Chong'er had only a few loyal ministers. Once Chong ER was hungry and fainted. A loyal minister named Jie Zitui among the ministers cut a piece of meat from himself, roasted it with fire and gave it to Chong er. Chong Er recovered from his illness. Later, Chong Er became a monarch and wanted Jie Zitui to appoint an official. Jie Zitui refused to come and fled to Mianshan. In order to make jiezitui a senior official, Chong'er set fire to the mountain and let jiezitui push himself out. The fire burned for three days and three nights. I didn't see Jie Zitui coming out. When I came into the mountain, Jie Zitui and his mother had died holding a tree. There was a hole in the tree and a blood poe
m was written on the clothes inside: cut meat and give your heart to the king. I hope the Lord will always be clear. Liu Xia became a ghost and disappeared. It's better to be Later, Chong Er changed Mianshan into Jieshan and designated April 5 as Qingming Festival every year. After listening to this legend, everyone should know the origin of Qingming Festival!清明节英语作文
We worship our ancestors every year, and this year is no exception. Early in the morning, our whole family drove to visit the tomb of Hanshou. When we arrived at Hanshou, we went straight to grandma's grave. On the way, grandpa told the story of Granny Tai. Granny Tai died early. Granny Tai worked hard to raise grandpa and their brothers At this time, everyone's eyes were wet, and my little man's tears were about to climb out.
When he came to the grave, Grandpa lit candles and incense. We lined up to kowtow. When my father kowtowed, it seemed that I had been thinking about the scene that my grandmother loved him very much, and silently said some blessings. It's my turn to kowto
t恤衫英语w. My heart depicts grandma Tai's kind face. I put my hands together. I hope grandma Tai will bless our family's safety and happiness and bless me to enter an ideal university in the future.