【 导语】梨花万朵分外白,伫立墓前悲满怀。冥币翻飞情归去,香烟缭缭子规来。清泪千行湿冢土,满腔怀念今日诉。先人难见今日柳,后辈永记前辈恩。为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。
Another year is Tomb Sweeping Day, also known as grave sweeping day, which is the day when we pay tribute to our dead relatives and go to their graves.
Today, I got up very early because I was going to the countryside to go to my grandfather's grave. My grandfather's grave was in a county next to us. It took about an hour to take the bus. It shook all the way and arrived unconsciously. As soon as I got off the bus, wow! There are so many people! The county and the countryside got together today. We first went to the street to buy some small paper works and went up the mountain. It is said that there was a lot of rain during the Qingming Festival. This year's Qingming Festival is different. It's sunny. We can see the ancestral tombs on the mountain all the way. We first went to Grandpa's grave. According to our custom here, we
should first remove the weeds next to the grave, and then carry out the ancestor worship ceremony, This year, the government stipulated that incense burning paper could not be lit on the mountain to avoid fire, so we just pressed some paper money on the grave symbolically, and surrounded the grave with YINGSHANHONG picked by ourselves.
墨鱼干怎么吃After sweeping grandpa's grave, we have to sweep grandpa's grave again. After crossing a mountain, we arrive. Grandpa died of illness, so he is very young. On Grandpa's grave, grandma remembered many of Grandpa's past events and cried loudly. We all felt the same sadness when we pressed her down the mountain.
The one-day tomb sweeping activity ended in this way. Although it was difficult to climb the mountain, I finished the activity smoothly with the team. I like Tomb Sweeping Day.
Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My family is going to visit the grave. It's a nice day today. It's sunny. We are driving an electric car with gentle warm wind blowing in front of us. It's
so comfortable! On the way, we saw a large area of rape flowers, tender yellow, so beautiful! I can't help thinking of the words of the small yellow warbler in the color of spring rain: "the spring rain is yellow. The spring rain falls on the rape field and the rape flowers are yellow." We moved on and finally reached the cemetery. Grandparents, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters, they have been waiting there for a long time. Some of them were folding paper money, some were pulling weeds, and some were sweeping leaves with a broom. I hurried to help. I picked up many small stones and pressed a piece of red paper and white paper on the tomb circle. We swept several tombs and made me sweat all over. Finally to the last cemetery. Grandma, they burned the paper money and began to set off firecrackers. After setting off firecrackers, Grandpa began to give money. Many people came to pay money, and I also shared several yuan.
After sweeping the tomb, we are going home. My sister and I are at the front. The scenery on the mountain is wonderful! My sister and I also picked several YINGSHANHONG!
Today is really a happy day!
In the twinkling of an eye, the annual Qingming Festival on April 5 came again.
Today, my parents took me up the mountain to worship my grandfather. Soon we came to Grandpa's grave. I only saw that the front of the tomb was covered with tall weeds. My mother quickly picked up the hoe to hoe the grass. Seeing my father's seriousness in weeding, I can see how much my mother cares about my dead grandfather! After hoeing the grass, my mother put her hand on my shoulder and said, "hang, come and worship my grandfather and tell me your wishes."
韭菜炒猪肝I came to the grave and knelt on my knees, Two hands in one: "Grandpa, even though you have been dead for many years, we still care about you. Grandma is very lonely and boring at home alone. But don't worry, we will take good care of her mother-in-law and make her eat well, dress well, sleep well, even tell stories and jokes to make her happy! Accompany her through her happy old age. Grandpa, you are in heaven, please bless our family safe and happy ! Rest in peace! " Then, we lit incense and candles, hung paper
money, and then Dad began to set We reluctantly left.
I will always remember this beautiful Qingming Festival!
It's very hot this afternoon. At one o'clock, my brother and I each grabbed a bag of paper flowers. My father took paper money and food. The three of us went up the mountain first. My mother and aunt were going to visit the tomb on the mountain later.
解释成语There are two roads in front of us. We still chose the previous road. My mother and aunt rushed from behind for fear of being too late. The stones were uneven and the branches blocked everyone's way. I almost fell.
Relatives came to the grave of great grandfather, and they began to pull weeds together. After a while, the grave of great grandfather The tombstone is clean. At this time, paper flowers will come in handy. I thought to myself. My brother and I held paper lace and stuck it on it with double-sided tape. The colors of paper flowers are very diverse, includin
g bright red, blue like the sea, and yellow The appearance of paper flowers is even more diverse. We all planted some incense in the soil and then worshipped. Suddenly, with a "bang", many small papers floated down from the sky, and the sound of firecrackers spread all over the whole mountain. We also went to sweep the grave of our great grandmother and burned all the paper money.
A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourner's heart is going to break on his way. Asking where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance.
During the Qingming Festival, most of those who come and go on the road come back to worship their ancestors. Some live here, while others come back from afar.
On this day, my father and I went to the mountain to visit the grave. As usual, there were so many people. So that my father and I stopped and walked for a long time before we ca
me to the tomb of an ancestor. Especially because of the light rain in recent days, some roads on the mountain are muddy and difficult to walk.
When I came to the tomb of my ancestors, my father brought new paint and re painted some invisible words to make him brighter. Then I cleaned it up with my father. After cleaning it up, I put out all the tributes. The next step is to offer incense as usual, and then pay homage again after a period of time, and then collect the tribute. Like this, my father and I went to worship several other ancestors. It was about here that the matter was finished.