四川大学英语二级全真试题集 答案
Section A <15%>
Directions: There are 15 inplete sentences in this part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A>, B>, C> and D>. You must choose the one answer that best pletes the sentence. Then click on the corresponding button.
16.Which is the largest number of the following? _______〔得分:1分〕
  A>Zero point eightB>Fifty percent
  C>Two divided by threeD>Seventy percent
四川交通大学17.Which is the smallest number of the following? 〔得分:1分〕
  C>Zero point fiveD>A quarter.
18.If you don’t go, ______ I〔得分:1分〕
  A>so do B>so don’t
C>neither doD>nor shall
19.The officer gave the order that soldiers ______ to go out at night〔得分:1分〕
  A>should not allow B>be not allowed
C>mustn’t be allowedD>not be allowed
20.Everything ______ if Albert hadn’t called the fire brigade〔得分:1分〕
  A>would have been destroyed B>would be destroyed
  C>will be destroyed D>will have been destroyed
21.______ he was in error will scarcely be noticed by his friends〔得分:1分〕
22. The little baby was left alone, with ______ to look after it〔得分:1分〕
A>no oneB>not one C>someoneD>anyone
23.You ______ all those calculations! We have a puter to do that sort of thing〔得分:1分〕
A>needn’t have doneB>must not have done
C>cannot have done D>shouldn’t have done
24._______terrible weather weve been having these days!  〔得分:1分〕
A>WhatB>HowC>How aD>What a
25.Young _____ he is, he knows what is the right thing to do〔得分:1分〕
A>asB>whateverC>however D>that
26.He went to work so late ______ the manager had to send for him again before he arrived
27.I won’t lend any money to Joe because I am afraid ______ he will forget to pay it back
28.Today’s libraries differ greatly from ________〔得分:1分〕
  A>those of the pastB>that pastC>those pastD>the past
29.The family never agree about ______ shares of the property〔得分:1分〕
30.The middle-aged man was seen _____ out of the house on the afternoon of the murder
A>to eB>cameC>have eD>e
Section B <20%>
Directions: There are 20 inplete sentences in this partFor each sentence there are four choices marked A>, B>, C> and D>You must choose the one answer that best pletes the sentenceThen click on the corresponding button.
31.The sports meet was _____ because of the heavy rain〔得分:1分〕
  A>called offB>called onC>called forD>called up
32.He died before he had _____ his last novel in January〔得分:1分〕
33.Tom has checked in at the hotel with the ______ of his credit card〔得分:1分〕
  A>use B>helpC>pay D>buy
34.They have _____ out of paper, I will give them some〔得分:1分〕
  A>spent B>finishedC>usedD>run
35.The heavy rain ______ the flood in Shanxi Province this summer〔得分:1分〕
  A>resulted to B>brought to C>led to D>caused to
36.All employees are given three weeks of _____ each year〔得分:1分〕
  A>freedom B>occasionC>vacationD>travel
37.The manager _____ the business very successfully〔得分:1分〕
  A>contacts B>conductsC>contestD>connects
38.Mary’s _______ is to get a college education in China〔得分:1分〕
  A>positive B>objective C>active D>effective
39.One of my _____ sentences is: There is no smoke without fire〔得分:1分〕
A>favoriteB>faithfulC>favorable D>famous
40.When I punished him he ____ by bursting into tears 〔得分:1分〕
41.She appeared at the front door____ her finest jewel〔得分:1分〕
  A>wearingB>puttingC>dressing D>having
42.The meeting ____ at midnight and we all went home late〔得分:1分〕
  A>broke upB>broke offC>broke out D>broke down
43.They usually _____ themselves by listening to light music〔得分:1分〕
A>relaxB>releaseC>relate D>rely
44.His only________ now is how to earn enough money to support his family〔得分:1分〕
45.China has launched a number of________satellites since the 1970s〔得分:1分〕
46.When I got up this morning, I felt the temperature had__________〔得分:1分〕
  A>droppedB>sunkC>lowed D>fallen
47.Jack was ill and had to_________in bed for six days〔得分:1分〕
A>stayB>keepC>sleep D>lay
48.Harry and Susan met at the restaurant and they liked each other _______〔得分:1分〕
A>at first sightB>in sightC>out of sightD>within sight