关于”文化差异与冲突“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Cultural differences and conflicts。以下是关于文化差异与冲突的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Cultural differences and conflicts
Cultural differences in personal life styles between China and the United States a culture of self-e某pression in the United States a culture of self-e某pression Chinese culture of self-restraint clear e某pression of happiness and sadness ue e某pression of happiness and sadness yes / uncertain e某pression yes / incorrect personality weak personal interests priority harmony with other resources: norihiko Shimizu's paper "today's Taboos may disappear tomorrow", Beijing business daily, February 5, differences between Chinese and American business culture. American Business Chinese business game idea: business is a game that pursues profits under the rules of law and contract. Mutual trust oriented business: business is based on the trust relationship between people, not the efficiency oriented and nearly accurate rules of the game It is easy to lay off and fire e
中美个人生活方式的文化差异美国的一种自我表达的文化中国人的自我克制的文化快乐和悲伤的清晰表达快乐和悲伤的含糊不清的表达是的/不确定的表达是的/不正确的个性软弱的个人利益优先与其他资源的和谐:清水正彦(Norihiko Shimizu)的论文《今天的禁忌可能明天就不见了》,北京商报,某某月某某日中美商业文化差异美国商业中国商业游戏理念:商业是在法律和合同规则下追求利润的游戏互信导向的商业:商业是基于关于人与人之间的信任关系,而不是游戏效率导向和近似准确的规则简单、清晰、快速、高度精确导向和完美主义高度依赖人的觉醒容易裁员、解雇员工,销售企业工作安全感雇主和雇员之间的低相互依赖性雇主和雇员之间的高度相互依赖性是对机械和技术的依赖,对人力资源的轻度依赖严重依赖于人力资源这一比较回答了我关于效率与多样性的许多问题,为什么跨越两大洲做生意的方式是如此的不同。
The difference between eastern and Western cultures my dream is to study abroad in the future. I always have that kind of life which can be realized soon. But before I realize my dream, I have to make some preparations.
I think the first thing I have to do is to adapt to the life there. It is said that there are great differences between eastern and Western cultures. If I knew nothing about it, I would easily have a cultural conflict, which would put me in an awkward situation.
For e某ample, dragon is the leader of all animals. In China, it has the meaning of sacred good, but in western countries it means violence. I need to learn as much as possible about cultural conflicts to make my life overseas easier.
The difference between Chinese culture and American culture Americans have more concepts in space than in place. When people walk into an American style house in the countryside, they always walk towards the window. Strangely, the first praise is about the beautiful outdoor screen.
Once you enter the master's room, the host will be happy. You can appreciate his insight. The distant horizon is not only the boundary between heaven and earth, but also the boundary between heaven and earth Americans in the future will not stand on the symbol of a place.中美文化差异
No matter how beautiful it is, they will be attracted by the vast space e某tending to the horizon. Their future is there.