论文:从肢体语言看中西方文化差异 Chinese and western cultural differences in body language
. 肢体语言概述
      1 不同种类的肢体语言所代表的意思
      2 肢体语言在交流中的作用以及重要性
      3 在中西方交流中,怎样恰当的使用肢体语言
      2 中西方区域交流文化的重大差异
      1 肢体语言对中西方交流文化的影响
      2 通过肢体语言对中西方交流文化造成差异的过程以及原因
      3 中西方交流文化中的肢体语言的比较以及异同
    1 在中西方交流中学习肢体语言的必要性和重要性
    2 肢体语言在文化交流中的发展趋势
中美文化差异五.  结论
1 General ideas of body language
  A  the definition of body language
B  the relative theory of body language
2  the development and exchange of body language in different cultures
A the importance of body language in  human ’s  communication
1. Introduction…… 1
2. The necessity and importance of learning body language on nonverbal
communication…… 2
3. The concrete types and application of the body language…… 3
3.1 Types of body language…… 3
3.1.1 Distance between people conversing  …… 3
3.1.2 Physical contact…… 3
3.1.3 Eye contact…… 4
3.1.4 Smiles and laughter…… 6
3.1.5 Gestures …… 6
3.2 Application of the body language…… 6
3.2.1 Greetings …… 6
3.2.2 Signs of affection …… 8
3.2.3 Physical contact in life …… 8
3.3 A comparative study of Chinese and American body language…… 9
4. Conclusion …… 12
1. General ideas of body language    5
2. ?The different kinds of body language    6
2.1 Manual speech
2.2 face expression   
2.3 posture expression
3. ?The function of body language
4.How to use body language
5.  The importance of body language

场合下,在中国和讲英语的国家无论微笑还是大笑,通常表示友好﹑赞同﹑满意﹑高兴﹑愉快,但是在某些场合,中国人的笑会引起西方人的反感;打手势时动作稍有不同,就会与原来的意图有所区别,对某种手势理解错了,也会引起意外的反应等等。因此,要用外语进行有效的交际,在说某种语言时就得了解说话人的手势,动作,举止等所表示的意思。而有些权威人士认为两者相互依存。在大多数情况下这是对的。在某些情况下,人体动作与所说的话不一致,口头说的与身势语表达的意思不一样。这时要借助其他信息或从整个情况中猜测说话人的意思,从某种意义上说,一切身势语都要放在一定的情景下去理解;忽视了整个情景就会发生误解。而通过中美身势语对比研究表明,两者有相似的地方,也有差异的地方,说明了解另一种语言中身势语的重要性。可见,真正掌握两种语言的人在? 挥昧硪恢钟镅运祷笆币惨 挥昧硪恢稚硎朴铩U庋 拍艽锏礁 玫慕患市Ч ?/P>
关键词:非语言交际  身势语  不同文化  不同方式
Body Language on Nonverbal Communication

“Body language”, like our verbal language, is also a part of our culture. But not all body
language means the same thing in different cultures. Different people have different ways
of making nonverbal communication. For example: different people have different ideas
about the proper distance between people conversing; the appropriateness of physical
contact varies with different cultures; one could draw up quite a list of “rules” about eye
contact: to look or not to look; when to look and how long to look; who and who not to
look at; smiles and laughte r usually convey friendliness, approval, satisfaction, pleasure, joy and merriment, and,
this is generally true in China as well as the English-speaking countries, however, there are situations when some Chinese will laugh that
will cause negative reactions by westerners; gestures can be particularly troublesome,
for a slight difference in making the gesture itself can mean something quite different
from that intended, and, a wrong interpretation of a gesture can arouse quite
unexpected reactions and so on. So in order to communicate effectively in a foreign
language, one should&nb sp;know also the gestures, body movements, mannerisms and
etc. that accompany a
particular language. Some authorities feel that the two are dependent on each other.
This is certainly true in most situations. But it is also true that in certain situations body
action contradicts what is being said, just as the spoken words may mean something
quite different from what body language communicates. When this occurs, one must try to get further information, or guess the meaning from the context of the situation. In a
sense, all body language should be interpreted  ;within a given context; to ignore the
overall situation could be misleading. A comparative study of Chinese and American body
language shows a number of similarities and diversities of body language. It shows the
importance of knowing the specific gestures that go with a language. Observation show
that a truly bilingual person switches his body language at the same time he switches
languages. This makes communication easier and better.
Key words:nonverbal communication  body language  different culture  different ways