苹果⾸席运营官Tim Cook在发布完ios11以后也来到MIT,作为毕业典礼的致辞嘉宾,为毕业⽣们献上了毕业演讲。
在基本的寒暄过后,Tim Cook⽤⾃⼰的经历,为毕业⽣们举例了毕业后寻⾃⾝⽬标的艰难与过程。
他还在这⾥⼩⼩的⿊了⼀下Windows,他为了到未来的答案,他试过读研、冥想、阅读哲学作品,甚⾄利⽤Windows PC进⾏尝试,但这些都没⽤。
Part of me kept pushing ahead to the next achievement.
And the other part kept asking, ‘Is this all there is?’ I went to grad school at Duke looking for the answer.
I tried meditation. I sought guidance in religion. I read great philosophers and authors.
And in a moment of youthful indiscretion, I might even have experimented with a Windows PC, and obviously that didn’t work.
这⼀切的迷茫与纠结最后截⽌在遇到了苹果。他遇到了乔布斯,他被乔布斯简单却充满号召⼒的⽬标所打动,那就是「To serve humanity」。
Before that moment, I had never met a leader with such passion or encountered a company with such a clear and compelling purpose: to serve humanity. It was just that simple. Serve humanity.
And it was in that moment, after 15 years of searching, something clicked. I finally felt aligned.
他表⽰「How can I serve humanity? 」是⼈⽣中最重要也是最⼤的问题。
How can I serve humanity? This is life’s biggest and most important question.
At MIT you have learned how much power that science and technology have to change the world for the better.
But technology alone isn’t the solution. And sometimes it’s even part of the problem.
The threats to security, threats to privacy, fake news, and social media that becomes antisocial. Sometimes the very technology that is meant to connect us divides us.
I’m not worried about artificial intelligence giving computers the ability to think like humans. I’m more concerned about people thinking like computers without values or compassion, without concern for consequences.
If science is a search in the darkness, then the humanities are a candle that shows us where we’ve been and the danger that lies ahead.
As Steve once said, technology alone is not enough. It is technology married with the liberal arts married with the humanities that make our hearts sing.
Whatever you do in your life, and whatever we do at Apple, we must infuse it with the humanity that each of us is born with.
I’m optimistic because I believe in your generation , your passion, your journey to serve humanity. We are all counting on you.
Don’t let that noise knock you off course. Don’t get caught up in the trivial aspects of life.
I found that my life got bigger when I stopped carrying about what other people thought about me. You will find yours will too.
People will try to convince you that you should keep your empathy out of your career. Don’t accept this false premise. If you see a problem or an injustice, recognize that no one will fix it but you. As you go forward today, use your minds and hands and your hearts to build something bigger than yourselves. Always remember there is no idea bigger than this.
If you keep that idea at the forefront of all that you do, if you choose to live your lives at that intersection between technology and the people it serves, if you strive to create the best, give the best, do the best for everyone, not just for some, then today all of humanity has good cause for hope.