[00:00.00]人人听力网(rrting)Good morning,honorable judges,ladies and  gentlemen!
[00:03.60]I think you would be  very glad to see me ,because I'm the  last candidate of  this morning .
[00:08.41]After my speech ,all of us  can go and enjoy our lunch !So ,let's again ,before I start my speech ,I would like to show you a map.
[00:16.59]It's just a simple map of Beijing.As we can see from it ,there are a large number of colleges and universities in western part of Beijing,an area known as the Silicon  Valley of  China.
[00:26.64]There are uncountalbe new high technologies coming into  existence every year.
[00:30.98]Then  ,let's  see the eastern part .You will find embassies and major businesses in this part of the town .
[00:36.99]So ,we conside this part as a good place for economic  exchange.Then ,let's see the sourthern part, you'll find parks,stadiums,and concert halls etc.
[00:47.70]So a wonderful place for leisure ,isn't it ?How about the north?Here we go !
[00:52.32]You will find the Asia Games village  located  here.It used to be a hot spot  during the 1993 ,during the Asia Games in 1993.
[01:00.58]And  now we  are bidding  for the 2008 Olympics Games.The local government is now preparing the constructure of an  Olympic Park which will also stand on the north .
[01:11.60]So it's very clear that if we can hold the Olympic Games,Beijing  will gather a golden opportunity of development in every direction .
[01:21.42]Now ,I would like to express it more clearly why is it necessary  and possible for Beijing to host the  2008 Olympic Games.
[01:32.03]I think there are three important factors.
[01:35.01]First ,it is a good chance for Beijing to improve its natural environment as well as to ex
ploit the  humanistic and natural resources.
[01:43.31]As it is know to all ,Beijing  is a city  with three-thousand-year history .
[01:47.52]There are hundres of cultural relics here .So if the Olympic Games can be held here ,the whole world will see the revival of Chinese civilization.
[01:58.39]What's more, there seems always conflict existing between the preservation of the hold Beijing city and the expansion of  the modern town .
[02:06.38]Now, here comes the time to harmonize  it .We can combine the builing of Olympic facilities together with the reformation of the old city .
[02:14.87]Second ,once a city is chosen to be the host of Olympic Games,it will attract attentioins from the world # smart businessmen from all parts would come and invest here.
[02:24.74]This will definitely spur a range of correlated business such as service business, media, tourism etc.
[02:33.52]The prospect of  the businesses  mentioned above  could create thousands of job opportunities.
[02:39.48]This will be an alleviation of Beijing's employment pressure.
[02:44.39]And third,for some historical and political reasons, China is still behind industrialized countries in some fields.
[02:51.96]But we are here today,talking  about Olympic Game and our country.Why?
[02:57.11]Because  in the last 20 years, great changes have taken  place there .
[03:00.58]As we all know ,our Olympic slogan  is "New Beijing,Great Olympics!"
[03:05.05]Why  we call it "New  Beijing "?as I think ,there are another  three important new  changes.
[03:10.04]First one is new  foundation ,Compared with the Beijing in 1993 ,we can find  obvious differences.
[03:17.46]A lot of work has  been done  to deal with the air pollution and  water pollution .
[03:21.64]And second is  new understanding.We define Olympic as humanistic Olympics , green Olympics and Scientic Olympics.
[03:29.89]And third is  a new role.We are not just a bidder, but we also act as a host.
[03:36.01]And what we can do for this event, of course not everyone of us could win a gold medal in
the stadium ,but we can try to win one in our  daily lives.
[03:44.99]We can start with  little things just like  protecting natural environment,working harder or simple little things just like giving a confident smile to the world.
[03:55.02]So in the end, I want to mention another important thing,bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games is not our only purpose.
[04:03.59]What we want to show is our confidence and optimism.So whether we win or not is not that important .
[04:10.75]But just like  the Olympic motto goes:"It is more important to participate than to win!"
[04:16.86]Right here right now I would like to wish my country the best with all my heart and soul.
[04:22.09]And I also with everyone  present could win you gold  medal in  this brand-new century .
[04:27.28]Maybe next time when I show you the map again.I will say proudly that:"Look ,this is Olympic Park where the 2008 Olympic Games was held !"Thank you very much .
[04:40.48]Jiang Hua:Thank you contestant number twelve.Now your topic is "What major effect will China's membership to the World Trade Organization have on the country?"
[04:50.74]Zhu Jingqiu:OK,thank you very much .Thank you for your question .Umm,OK ,give me a minute to think about it .
[04:49.74]Uhh,as,as we all know we have  already  spent more than  thirteen years on the negotiation for joining WTO.
[04:56.04]So,I think ,uh talking about the major effect , I think at least it has already became a hot word just like  Internet or stock.
[05:04.95]Or something like  that, isn't it ?So ,oh ,I 've got a good idea.
[05:09.15]I want to express the major effect together with the  cheongsam  I wear today .
[05:14.19]Ok, uh, it is a lot of pity that we, we are a little bit far away.
[05:18.27]I hope it's just the distance of geography ,but not in the ,not in the heart.Well I hope all of us can be to together .
[05:26.16]Ok,I would  express it ,uh ,look ,here the first Chinese character is 胸.
[05:33.58]And in English it's ,I think it means the overall,we should have the overall planning .
[05:39.51]Before we join WTO,we should have a good preparation .That means We need a lot of changes and reform.
[05:47.42]We should get used to the whole world  and on the tracks.So I think first, just like 胸 is ,this is need a plan.
[05:56.15]We should make a plan and make some ,do some change .Second character is 算.And,算,that means to make a plan .
[06:04.82]That is ,um ,I think first one is preparation .Second one is make a plan .
[06:10.25]Um,that's why we,we that's why we,we spend more than thirteen years on the negotiation ,because we have to make sure everything,we should discuss the details.
[06:20.68]I think it , it won't do any good for Chinese people just for joining in WTO in such hectic.
[06:28.20]I think we need time .We should think it over .
[06:31.52]And then we should make the whole plan and make sure we have it all ready get everything ready.
[06:37.08]And ,um ,the last character is 用.And I think this character would give the most important influence for Chinese people .
[06:47.61]用means we have already get the plan .The next thing is to carry it out.
[06:53.33]And in this way we will receive,we will  face a lot of influence.Not only just the economic ,but also culture and um,scientific in ,in many ways .
[07:04.22]So ,I think in this part , this will influence the Chinese people the most.
[07:09.39]So ,we should have such kind of preparation and we should  get ready for the WTO,just like bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games.
[07:19.69]We should have both of three steps.We should walk step, step by step .
[07:24.68]So ,I think joining the WTO it will do a great deal of good for both Chinese people and for the whole world.
[07:31.75]That is because ,um ,when we are popularizing  the joining WTO,it will be a proper chance for Chinese people to know the importance of public welfare.
[07:42.44]And ,um,it will also do a great deal of good for the whole world.I think if you wanted me to ...OK,thank you .
[07:50.95]Judge:Thank you very much contestant number twelve.You're absolutely right that ,um,those of us who are not born Chinese very much enjoy seeing you in your traditional Chinese costume.
[08:03.18]That's lovely .And we are delighted ,those of us who've been here before to see the  wonderful changes and preparations that Beijing is making for the Olympics.
[08:14.41]And I ,I wonder which of those changes and preparations you think foreign visitores will appreciate most and I wonder if  you think they are the same as the Chinese residents will appreciate most or are they diff
[08:30.71]Zhu Jingqiu:Um,OK,uh,for this question I want to answer both sides .
[08:36.12]I think for foreign visitors they come to China I think the most um important thing and the most uh important thing they will appreciate is the enhance of the citizens qual , uh, uh qualities.
[08:49.83]That is because I ,I don't think foreign  friends they come to China just for seeing the buildings or just see the ,the f course they do have such kind of view.
[09:00.20]They want to enjoy the views.But ,I think to deal with people ,we ,we ,we can get along well.
[09:07.55]This is the most important thing.I remembered when I was just in my hometown ,it's the ,I think the living condition is not that high.
[09:16.22]It's very low.But ,I feel very good.I had a such good time .Because the local people they are so friendly .
[09:23.45]So I think the foreign people,they, they come here they will like , just like simple little things,they will ask for the ways or where to go .
[09:30.85]We will give a reply ,we will give a show our manners and they will feel they at home .
[09:37.82]So ,I think this is most important thing for , for um , foreign visitors.But ,uh ,for the government I think the most important thing for it will be more practical,
[09:49.26]just like the  transportation ,and uh,the whole layout of the city .Uh ,cause you know ,uh, as we all know ,Beijing is a very big city.
[09:57.60]So we should have such kind ,we should create a better environment for the whole ,for both tourists and also for  the citizens ,not just far Olympics ,but also for our better living.
[10:09.74]So ,I think the government would think more practical just like the faci