  巨大的潜在市场 The Big Potential Market
  In China, everybody loves to go to the cinema and watches the American movies. They are attracted by the exciting plots and the fighting scenes. In order to attract more audiences, the cooperations between foreign actors and Chinese actors happen all the time. there is no doubt that Chinese potential market is infinite.
  With the development of Chinese economy, the world is watching us. More and more foreigners have sensed the great potential market and come to China to seek for cooperation. Chinese film market had been ignored before, but now more Hollywood directors show their willingness to work with Chinese actors, so as to catch more Chinese audiences and increase the box office.
  Indeed, Chinese box office is increasing every year, even surpasses the foreign’s, which makes the foreign directors pay so much attention to Chinese audiences. It also shows that China has influnced the world and it plays more and more important role in the world economy. There is no doubt that more cooperations will happen during foreign enterprises and Chinese business.
  事实上,中国票房每年都增加,甚至超过国外的,这使得外国导演非常关注中国观众。这也表明了, 中国影响了世界和它在世界经济中扮演越来越重要的作用。毫无疑问,将会有更多的合作发生在外国企业和中国企业之间。
  拯救文艺片 Saving Literary Film
  Every year, the top selling films must belong to the commercial films. Indeed, commercial films catch the audience’s attention and they are willing to buy tickets. While the literary films win many reputation and awards in the filmfest, a lot of people are not willing to support this type of film in the theater. The save of literary film is in need of.
  每年,最畅销的电影必定属于商业电影。确实, 商业电影吸引着观众的注意力,他们愿意买票。虽然文艺电影在电影节赢得了声誉和许多奖项,但是很多人都不愿意去影院支持这种类型的电影。文学电影需要得到保护。
  I like to see literary films so much. They are like my mentors, showing me the truth about life through the stories. It needs people’s patience to appreciate literary films, for they go on very slowly. So most audiences feel so bored to watch such movie, they would choose to see the commerical movies for the fighting and exciting scene.
  To save the literary film, it is very important to promote the films. The media should give more attention and make ads about it. What’s more, the appreciation of this style of film needs the improvement of the literary attainment of the public.
  Literary film is the good film, it probes into the problems of life and gives enlightenment to people. We need to support it and make more people appreciate it.
  双胞胎的穿着 The Dress in Twins
  Every time when I walk in the street, I will be attracted by the twins, it is not because the
y look exactly the same, but they wear the same clothes. I also wonder why all the twins dress the same. The parents can separate them in different clothes, so that they won’t take the twins’ wrong name, now I know the reason.
初三英语  每次当我走在街上,我会被双胞胎吸引,这不是因为他们看起来几乎一模一样,而是因为他们穿一样的衣服。同时我也会好奇为什么所有的双胞胎都穿着一样。家长可以让他们穿不同的,以此来辨认他们,现在我了解了原因。
  The twins are living in the same environment, when they are in the mother’s womb, they have boned together, their fate is meant to be different from others. They come to the world almost at the same time, they know they have an alike brother or sister, as they grow up, they will want everything the same, because they are a union. If the parents give them different thing, the twins will think their parents are unfair to them, they like one of them. In order to avoid such situation, the parents will naturally choose the same things for them, so they can get along with each other well.
  Twins’ dress the same clothes can make them have the sense of union, now I am not surprised about the twins’ dress, they are so cute in my eyes.