21. All my life, I have tried to be ________ honest person. A. /  B. a    C. an    D. the
22. -________ you ever_________ Singapore? – Not yet. But I plan to go there this summer.
  A. Have, been  B. Have, gone  C. Have, been to  D. Have; gone to
23. Don’t worry. We will _________ a solution to your problem. A. put up B. set up C. think up D. fix up
24.-Why don’t you take the computer, Nick? I know you’re a computer fan.
–It’s too expensive. I can’t ______ it.            A. sell  B. borrow  C. afford  D. keep
25. The baby used to ________ very late in the morning, but now he is used to _______ early.
  A. get up; getting up  B. get up; get up  C. getting up; get up  D. getting up; getting up
26. My father gave his old bike to me and he is __________ a new one.
A. considered buying  B. considered to buy  C. considering buying  D. considering to buy
27. More than _______ people in Japan died in the earthquake in March, 2011.
  A. ten thousand  B. ten thousands    C. ten thousands of  D. ten thousand of
28. The Greens went for sightseeing during the ________ holiday last month.
  A. seven days  B. seven-days  C. seven-day  D. seven day
29. Hurry up, mum, _______ we will be late for the movie.  A. as  B. but  C. and    D. or
30. There are ________ new words in the story-book, so it’s very easy for us to understand.
  A. little    B. a little    C. few    D. a few
31. Could you please tell me____________? 
A. where could I put my bicycle      B. where my bicycle could be put 
C. where can my bicycle be put      D. where my bike can be put
32. The pizza in the restaurant tasted _________, and we all wanted to have some more.
  A. well  B. awful    C. good  D. wonderfully
33. Her mother _________singing______dancing. But her father likes dancing better.
A. likes; to  B. prefers; to    C. enjoys; to    D. loves; to
34.- The radio says it is going to rain tomorrow. -_________. We have just decided to go for a picnic tomorrow.
A. I’m afraid not.  B. I hope not.  C. I hope so.  D. I’m afraid so.
35. I like the book. It __________ the beautiful days in the countryside.
  A. reminds of me    B. remind of me  C. reminds me of      D. reminding me of
Do you have many friends in this busy and noisy world? I think you can give me your answer without thinking for a minute. Friendship is very important. I think no one can live without friends. ____36___ is happy to have a good friend to talk, laugh, and do other things with. Everyone will feel ____37___ if he has no friends. Maybe you will say sometimes friends quarrel with each other, but it doesn’t matter. That doesn’t mean they no longer ____38_____ each other. They will make up(和好) and become___39___again. If our friends go to another place, we will feel very ____40___. We miss them very much, but we can ____41____them and write to them. Maybe we will never see them again. And we can ____42____ new firneds. It is surprising to find out how much we like new friends when we get to know them. There is more good news for people who have friends. They live___43____ than people who have no friends or have new friends. Why? Maybe because they are ____44____. Being happy helps you keep healthy. If you know someone cares about you, you may take ___45____ care of yourself. Do you think so?
初三英语36. A. It        B. He          C. There        D. Someone
37. A. alone      B. lonely      C. happy        D. lucky
38. A. like        B. hate        C. angry        D. talk
39. A. friendly    B. good      C. pleased      D.friends
40. A. angry      B. sad        C. happy        D. good
41. A. call        B. ask        C. tell          D. talk with
42. A. looking for  B. found        C. make      D. knows
43. A. long        B. longer      C. short        D. shorter
44. A. happier      B. stronger      C. kinder      D. richer
45. A. less        B. better        C. little        D. no
四.阅读理解        A
Today’s Question: What do you do to keep yourself fit?
Fred Jenkins, age 52, office manager
“When I was in college I used to play sports like baseball. But I can’t do that now, so I try to play golf every weekend. I spend Mondays through Fridays mostly sitting at my desk in a smoky office, so I like to get outside in the fresh air and move around for a few hours on Saturday or Sunday. I wish I had time to play golf more often.”
  Annie Franklin, age 37, dentist
  “I exercise. When the weather is OK, I go jogging in the early morning almost every day. It’s fun and it makes me feel fresh all day. I used to dream of running a marathon, but I guess that would be too much for me. In the winter it’s hard to get up early and I don’t feel safe running in the dark, so I usually jump rope and lift weights before breakfast.”
  John Lee, age 44, high school math teacher
  “I’m on my feet most of the day, so I have no weight problem. But I’m not as strong as I used to be and I often feel tired. I have so much work to do at home every night-papers to
grade and lessons to prepare-that I just can’t find time to exercise. I’m worried about my health, to tell the truth. Last summer I gave up smoking and next month I’m going to buy an exercise machine. I’m looking forward to that.”