Write at least 60 words on the given situation(根据以下情境写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)
我们每个人在日常生活或学习中都曾感受过某种力量带给我们的正能量,如父母的关爱、老师的表扬、同学的帮助等等。请以“The power of      in life”为题,结合自己的一次经历,谈谈体会。写作前先请你把题目补充。
The power of praise in life
What's the greatest power in life? Knowledge,strength,intelligence or hard working?
Neither of them is stronger than praise,which we students,children need most.Praise can give me endless strength. Praise can make me forget what is hardworking.Praise can keep me going.Praise can make me so confident.Praise can make me change my view of life.Praise can make me look everything in positive attitude.After all,enough praise will give me the power of improving myself and going ahead. I totally convince the power of praise in life.
Write at least 60 words on the given situation(根据以下情境写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)
A teacher said,“I think it is necessary to have a law to stop parents leaving their children unattended.” 你对这个建议有啥看法?
请以“Having a law to stop parents leaving children alone”为题, 写出你的看法并给出理由。
A teacher suggests it is necessary to have a la w to stop parents leaving their children unattended.I totally agree with him.
Small children can't look after themselves well. Some accidents do happen when they are left alone.They may play with knives and matches. They may not be able to escape when a fire takes place.They may take their parents' medicine and get poisoned. Some children may let strangers enter their flat when adults are absent.
Adults will continue to leave children unattended unless a law is set. In conclusion, such a law is essential.
write at least 60 words on the given situation(根据以下情境写一篇不少于60个词的短文,
请以“Mr Tree,I want to talk to you(大树,我有话对你说)”为题,讲述你想对上海的大树说的话。
You may use the following phrases:
2)play an important role in;
3)I thank
Dear Mr Tree,
I don't know your name or your age,but you have always been there.When spring comes,new buds will appear.They will then grow into big leaves to provide people with shade from the burning sun.
I walk past you every morning,on my way to school,and on my way home.Can you recognize me? You never talk to people,but I know you and your brothers have been playing an important role in making our city cleaner and more beautiful.
Through this letter,I want to thank you for all the contributions you have made.Do you have something to tell citizens in Shanghai?
Write at least 60 words on the topic“Secret of success”(以“成功的秘诀”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)
Whatever our dream is,the secret is to aim high and never stops People who have got to the top are not simply the ones who had luck,and they do not believe they can succeed only because they are naturally good a something.They put in the hours when they need to,work hard and work well.They also try to get better all the time instead of just worrying about their weak points.So,follow the examples of Michelle and Daniel,and be proud of our achievements.When we do well,always reward ourselves with a treat:watch a movie after a hard day's work,or buy ourselves some interesting books when others praise our effort.This will inspire us to achieve even more.
范文五:write at least 60 words on the given situation(根据以下情境写一篇不少于60个词的短文Writing(作文)(共20分)
请以“Practice and harvest”(实践与收获)”为题,分享你的经历或感受。
Practice and harvest
Although we were stuck at home during the outbreak of coronavirus,it 初三英语would never stop me from learning.Only by practicing hard can we harvest from study.
  We didn't have lessons in the classroom.Instead, we had lessons by watching TV or using computers and mobile phones at home.When we had so me questions, we could chat with our teachers through Wechat.If we couldn't catch up with the lesson,we could watch it again after class. We should do homework every day and hand it in on time.
To be honest,future study provides us with a new way to study. It requires students' strong responsibility and high self-discipline. I expect I will keep learning online and make more progress in my personal growth.