(  )1. They used to ______ in the countryside.
A. lived      B. live      C. living      D. lives
(  )2. I really don’t know if she ______ happy when she ______.
A. is, arrives              B. is, will arrive
C. will be, will arrive      D. will be, arrives
(  )3. Something is wrong with my TV set. I would like to get it ______
A. to repair      B. repaired      C. repairing      D. repair
(  )4. The watch ______ much, but he bought it.
A. takes      B. spends      C. cost      D. pays
(  )5.   Can you tell me ______ English at home?
Listen to the English program and do a lot of reading.
A how to read        B how to learn
初三英语C when to use        D where to use
(  )6. No one likes him ______.
A. still      B. never      C. any more      D. too
(  )7. We’re very ______ when we saw an ______ film.
A. excited, exciting    B. exciting, excited
C. excited, excited      D. exciting, exciting
(  )8. It ______ that he has been ill for a long time.
A. seems      B. looks      C. looks as if      D. seems as if
(  )9. Don’t ______ about things so much. It will make you stressed out.
A. afraid      B. terrify      C. terrified      D. worry
(  )10. I ______ to have a part-time job.
A. am not allow      B. not allow
C. don’t allow        D. am not allowed
(  )11. I have to stay at home ______ school nights.
A. in      B. at      C. on      D. for
(  )12.   Must I finish my homework now?
No, you ______. You may have a rest first.
A. mustn’t      B. can’t      C. may not      D. needn’t
(  )13. This book ______ Lucy’s. Look! Her name is on the book cover.
A. must be      B. may be      C. can’t be      D. mustn’t be
(  )14. He’s often late for school. Our teacher is angry ______ him.
A to      B about      C of      D with
(  )15. If I were a bird, I ______ fly freely in the sky.
A. will      B. would      C. would have      D. were going to
(  )16. —It’s ______ important job for you. Please never give up.
A. a        B.an        C. the      D./
(  )17. I ______ some clothes to charity because they are too small for me.
A. take after    B. hang out    C. give away    D. put off
(  )18. —Why don’t you go to the Science Museum?
— I hear there’s ______ in it.
A. something new        B. anything new
C. new nothing          D. nothing new
(  )19. Cangnan is famous ______ its beautiful scenery, like Yucang Mountain, Yuliao Sand.
A. in      B. as          C. for      D. with
(  )20. Mr Turner knows Wenzhou very well. He ______ here many times.
A. is      B. will come    C. came    D. has been
(  )21. On May 30th, 2005, one bowl in the Ming dynasty ______ at the price of 30.36 million Hongkong dollars.
A. sell      B. sold        C. is        D. was sold
(  )22. The teacher told the students ______ in class.
A. not  B. don’t talk  C. didn’t talk  D. not to talk
(  )23. The bridge ______ by the farmers themselves in 1982.
A. built  B. was built  C. build  D. was build
(  )24. —How about going hiking this weekend?
—Sorry, I prefer ______ rather than ______.
A. to stay at home, go out      B. to go out, stay at home
C. staying at home, go out      D. going out, stay at home.
(  )25. The money will be used to help the woman ______ fell down from her house and broke her legs. Now she is in the People’s Hospital.
A. which      B. whom      C. whose    D. who
(  )26. —Did you have a good winter holiday?
—______. I enjoyed myself with my family in Beijing.
A. I’m afraid not      B. I’m not sure  C. Of course  D. I hope so
(  )27. Guo Yue did quite well at the world Table Tennis Championship*, but Zhang Yining did even ______.
A. well      B. good        C. better    D. best
(  )28. Thank you for ______ me when I’m in trouble.
A. help      B. helps        C. helped    D. helping
(  )29. —Can you tell me ______?
—Sure. Two years ago.
A. When did they build the new teaching building
B. When they build the new teaching building
C. When they built the new teaching building
D. When they are building the new teaching building
(   )31. Nina began to play ______ violin when she was five years old.
A. the      B. a      C. an      D. /
(   )32. Our teacher always ______ everything good we do.